All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2005: The princess who escaped death (17)

   Chapter 2005 The princess who escaped death (17)

   "Even if I've used suspended animation to pass the test, I still can't show any clues. Be careful."

   Qianyan reminded: "Going out from here, I am not Ye Qianyan, but Ye Zhi. You should always remember your new name and completely integrate into your new identity. Don't forget it."

   Several people nodded and recited their identity several times in their hearts.

   At this moment, Qianyan caught a glimpse of the barrage.

  【I only now know Ye Xiaomei's name, originally called Ye Qianyan. 】

  【What is Miss Ye, this is my husband, you don't respect my husband at all, I want to crusade against you. 】

  【Actually, what I want to say is, have you watched that ancient drama more than 300 years ago? "Legend of Emperor Shengfeng"]

【not yet. 】

  【Aren't you busy watching the live broadcast? Come and watch the live broadcast whenever you have time, or just replay it. 】

  【Fortunately, our technology can automatically filter the time without events, otherwise it will exhaust a group of editors. 】

  【My suggestion is that those who haven't watched "The Legend of Shengfeng Emperor" must watch it, mainly to watch the actress who played Ye Ling and Mo Ling. 】

  【What happened to this actress? 】

  【You can ask this question to reflect your educational level. The two characters in this drama are played by the famous Ms. Yu Qianyan. To say that we can achieve today's technology, it is inseparable from Ms. Yu. 】

   [When I mentioned Ms. Yu Qianyan, I remembered, and then I have to mention the thing about reversing the fate system. If it wasn't for Ms. Yu Qianyan's grasp of this system, the technology of our world would not have developed to the present in just a few hundred years, and of course there would not be a situation where we can see the true face of history today. 】

  【Yes, that's what I mean, Ms. Yu Qianyan is a great person. At that time, I suggested you to watch it, just to let you know the legend of this man. Now…】

   [Now, after learning that the name of the future Emperor Shengfeng is Ye Qianyan, I think you should go and see. 】

   [Fuck, what's wrong, I said something is wrong, it turned out to be this, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, one, Ye Qianyan, really have the same name and different surnames, all of a sudden combination of ancient and modern. 】

   [To tell the truth, I have now made up a million-word legendary novel, which is a fantasy about whether Emperor Shengfeng and Ms. Yu Qianyan are the same person. Although it is impossible, I just want to make up my mind. 】

  【Ah ah ah, me too, me too, I feel so emotional. 】

  【Of course they won’t be alone, you are too good at brainstorming. 】

   [That is, thousands of years away, although both of them are very successful and powerful people, but the field is still very large. 】

   When System 666 swept these barrages, he finally couldn't help but complain: [But they are really alone, this group of silly people who don't know the truth. Hey, I, who know the truth, are anxious for them. 】

  The woman in the wishing space was also stunned, and System 666 began to explain patiently: [I am afraid that the host did not expect that she would leave that system to the national research, and finally they took control of the time-space shuttle screen projection technology. As a result, she went back to the ancient times of the same world, which happened to be the period when people in that world were in control of this technology, and they came back to see her again. The reason for this is really unclear. It's like this...]

  The matter is here, the source of this technology is revealed.

   Before, Qianyan had guessed that it was related to the Fate Reversal System.

   (end of this chapter)

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