All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2049: The princess who escaped death (61)

   Chapter 2049 The princess who escaped death (61)

   At this moment, the live broadcast room was discussing Qianyan's medicine bottle.

  [I heard that when His Majesty implemented the examination and selection system, those ministers who opposed it in the courtroom had their mouths swollen to shame the next day, and none of the doctors detected poison. 】

  【As long as they object, their mouths will swell up. According to records, one swollen is swollen for three days. 】

   [Not long after, many ministers felt that this was the will of God. 】

  【It turns out that this is what His Majesty did. 】

  【If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it. 】

  【I really thought it was God’s will before. 】

   Qianyan: Spoilers for her in advance.

   But the result is the same.

   "Your Highness is this?" Gong Yuhuai was a little puzzled, what are these medicines used for? Is it to poison those who oppose it?

   But with His Highness's temperament, it doesn't quite resemble it.

"This medicine can make the mouth swollen for three days, and it has no effect on other aspects of the body. After the recent court time, you can get the list from the master. Whoever disagrees with the speech in the courtroom will be given the medicine twice. Agree, always take medicine, always agree.”

  【Rough enough. 】

   [Your Majesty is really hurt, let them swell their mouths, it will not affect their health, they can continue to play in their positions, but they can't speak, and it will not affect the operation of the court. They don't want to do it, someone will replace it immediately, and they have to do it. 】

   If it were a different person, they might all stand up in shock.

   Gong Yuhuai has seen Qianyan's many methods, so he calmly responded: "Understood."

"His Royal Highness, here is the list of women who will run for election." Gong Yuhuai handed a booklet to Qianyan, "According to His Highness's request, I have selected a few women like the ones you mentioned. I think they are indeed no worse than men. ."

  【Have vision. 】

   [As expected of the Prime Minister of His Majesty. 】

  【Just say this, I can improve my love for you a little bit less than Your Majesty. 】

   Gongyu Huai checked the information of these women, and found no one worthy of His Highness.

   His Highness will take that seat in the future, and he must have an excellent woman.

   Thinking of this, Gong Yuhuai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but he thought that he was too busy recently and didn't think about it.

  Thinking of coming here, he decided to ask His Royal Highness what kind of woman the other party likes. Before he shows up to go to the court, he can find a chance to see more.

   A sensible person like His Royal Highness will definitely not be limited in love and love. He will only choose a suitable person. It is really necessary to choose carefully.

   "Your Highness, what kind of woman do you like?"

  Qianyan had just written down the list when she was caught off guard by Gong Yuhuai's question. She was stunned for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she asked, "Why did you ask this all of a sudden?"

   She observed Gong Yuhuai's expression, but did not see what the other party thought about her.

  She is very well disguised, unless she actively exposes it, he should not be able to see that she is a woman disguised as a man.

   "His Royal Highness will be accompanied by someone sooner or later. I haven't seen anyone who is worthy of His Highness, so I need to pay more attention."

  Gong Yuhuai ignored the stuffy feeling in his heart. If a person like this is so good, if he chooses a bad one, isn't that humiliating the other party?

  【Really a worthy minister. 】

  【I don’t know if it’s an illusion, I always feel that Prime Minister Gongyu’s tone is a little aggrieved. 】

   [Well, everyone, don't scold me, I want to knock this cult CP first. Hold your head, everyone. 】

  【Although the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is very pure, I couldn't help but slap it, begging for a light touch, I was wrong. 】

  【But Your Majesty is really a girl, not a cult. If she really chooses someone to be by her side, who else is worthy besides Gong Yuhuai? You stand up and say who else in Dayue is worthy to stand by her side? 】

  【Yes, this is not a cult. Your Majesty is a girl and can knock. 】

  【I just said why I didn’t get scolded. 】

  [Ever since Emperor Shengfeng was revealed to be behind his daughter, few people have scolded the CP couple. 】

  【Come on, let’s kowtow together. 】

   [Unfortunately, these two have always been monarchs and ministers. 】

   Qianyan: Really?

   Gong Yuhuai saw that Qianyan didn't say anything, and suddenly remembered whether he had gone too far, but he could feel that His Highness was not angry.

   "Would you like to know?"

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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