All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2055: The princess who escaped death (67)

   Chapter 2055 The princess who escaped death (67)

   Gong Yuhuai stayed in the room thinking for a long time, but finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart and decided to pretend that nothing had happened.

   Just in the past few months, His Highness told him to study with peace of mind. If there is nothing necessary, they will basically not meet.

  Many things, he has already handed over to the people under his hands to do, most of them don't need him to worry about.

   immerse yourself in reading, and support Your Highness in the courtroom as soon as possible is the real business.

  Perhaps, the throbbing in his heart will disappear when spring begins next year.

   From the moment he figured out his mind, he knew that they had no end.

  His Royal Highness is destined to fight for that seat in the future. Don't expose this kind of thing, otherwise many people will definitely seize this point and attack His Highness.

   Even if he had a different idea for His Highness, as a man, he didn't want to live in one-third of an acre. He would rather restrain his mind and follow His Highness to display the lofty ambitions in his heart.

   Besides, based on his understanding of His Highness, the other party probably hopes that he can fully display his talents, and is unwilling to watch him bury.

  So after thinking about it, Gong Yuhuai believes that it is best to maintain the status quo and never reveal his thoughts.

   Gong Yuhuai, who wanted to understand, really felt at ease at home and read, ignoring things outside the window.

  The people of Gongyu's family knew that he didn't want to think about life-long affairs now, and even if anyone asked, they would refuse.

   Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, some women with tough lives were selected as candidates for the crown princess, the prince's side concubine, and the prince's concubine.

  Prince had a tough life, so after the first wave of the list was selected, instead of going to the next round immediately, he decided to observe it for a month. If there is no accident, then proceed to the next round of selection.

  I don't want to, just the second day after the list was finalized, three ladies had different accidents.

  There were two noble ladies who encountered some innocuous accidents. One was the sedan chair that fell apart when it was about to start. The entire frame of the sedan chair was lifted up, and fortunately, the lady was sitting in it without being hurt. One is to go to the jade shop to buy jade bracelets, pick up a jade bracelet and break one, others are fine, just take one and break the other, and even the jade bracelet in her hand is broken.

   Yusui, in human consciousness, represents bad at any time.

  The other noble lady was a little bit unlucky. She broke her leg while riding, and her face was scratched.

When   Qianyan heard the news, she hurriedly went to find Ye Gong.

  Why are you looking for him? Of course, money is needed to compensate people. Only if Ye Gong had more money, would he take the initiative to help stop the matter of choosing a princess for her.

  【Your Majesty went to pick wool again. 】

  【The old emperor was mostly scolding in his heart, and he had to give it. 】

  【Hahaha, laugh to death. 】

   Ye Gong had already heard the news, but he did not expect his son to immediately ask him for money to send compensation to the family.

   But then again, it is indeed very evil.

  Because it was "God's will" to select talents in the previous exams, this time, because the lady was on the list of candidates for the crown princess, there was a problem immediately, but everyone was very easy to accept.

   "Prince, your life is really hard, and most people can't hold it back." Ye Gong sighed.

   If Qianyan hadn't asked him for money, he would have been happier.

   "Yes, your royal father, so my son has yet to marry a wife." Qian Yan looked at Ye Gong.

  Ye Gong: Why are you looking at him, isn't he the one who doesn't want the other party to marry? It's this stupid son who is too **** his own life and has no blessings.

   May one plus one more



   (end of this chapter)

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