All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2063: The big princess who escaped death (75)

   Chapter 2063 The princess who escaped death (75)

   If the other party dares to be involved with those forces, then he will be a mediocre person for the rest of his life.

   The face-to-face test came as scheduled, and the first one to appear was Gong Yuhuai, who made him the first in the written test?

   Ye Gong is not in a good mood. No matter how he looks at Gong Yuhuai, he is not very pleasing to the eye. He gritted his back molars, didn't he say that the generation of Gongyu's family was abolished?

  Why is this guy the first in the written test?

  【Why, do you have an opinion on this old man? 】

  【You better not make trouble here and deliberately lower the rank of Prime Minister Gongyu, otherwise so many of us will curse you. 】

   Ye Gong is a person who loves face. In front of so many courtiers and students from all over the world, he really can't refer to a talented person as an incompetent.

  If it was like that, people would not see Gong Yuhuai's jokes, but the emperor's jokes.

   Facing the emperor, courtiers, princes, and Gong Yuhuai behaved well, not arrogant, not rude, not cowardly, and stood there quietly to answer questions.

   No matter what the problem is, Gong Yuhuai can express his opinion.

   Even if Ye Gong didn't want him to take the first place, he had to admit that there was no one who could beat Gong Yuhuai today. With just this attitude, the group of students behind him is not enough to look at.

   Good, you Gongyu family still hides such a person.

   Ye Gong cursed inwardly, but on the surface he praised Gong Yuhuai.

   Next came the second candidate. This one, Yu Huai, performed well, and when he entered the door, his legs were so weak that he almost fell.

  Fortunately, Qianyan had already expected that the palace servants would follow closely and take care of them at any time, so that they did not make the other party embarrassed.

   For most of the day, Ye Gong finished seeing hundreds of candidates, and his mouth was a little dry.

   Fortunately, he used some snacks in the middle, so he wouldn't be too hungry, but he had not experienced such high-intensity work for a long time.

   The final result was no surprise, Gong Yuhuai took the top spot.

   Ye Gong was very reluctant, but Gong Yuhuai was the best performer, so he couldn't be picky at all.

   He couldn't talk nonsense in front of so many people.

   Fortunately, he also selected some people who can use it, which is a happy event.

   As for Gong Yuhuai, he is a member of Gongyu's family, and he has a smart mind.

  Qianyan is also very happy. Among the people who were left behind this time, 30% of them were related to her, and 40% of them had met with her. Who told her to run to the Juxianlou often? When scholars come to the capital, they will go there to see.

   Among them, many of them bought calligraphy and paintings from the other party.

   [Your Majesty has made a profit. 】

  【Pfft, die of laughter. 】

  【It's another day when the old emperor made a wedding dress for His Majesty, happy. 】

The results of the    literary and martial arts exams were all received, so Ye Gong was busy assigning official positions.

   These people are inexperienced, and the official title will definitely not be too big. They are considered as backup candidates. Wherever they are useful, they can be moved.

   But for the top three, it must be different.

  The top three in the literary test, except Gong Yuhuai, the remaining two are the focus of Ye Gong.

   But this is just the beginning, he can't directly cross Gong Yuhuai, he can only seal Gong Yuhuai bigger first, but assign the other two to places where they are easy to achieve political achievements.

   When the time is up, he will give his two people a liter.

   As for Gong Yuhuai, if there is something difficult and suitable for his status, he will arrange for the other party to do it. When the time comes, the other party can't do well and won't be promoted, so he can't be blamed.

   Ye Gong didn't know that the second and third places in the literary examination had something to do with Qianyan.

   The second old mother was seriously ill at the time, and it happened that Qianyan helped to treat and help their family, so that he could continue to study.

  The third place, Qianyan was also kind to him. If Qianyan hadn't passed by, he might have been beaten to death by the son of the local rich man.

   How could two people with such a close relationship be unfaithful to Qianyan to be loyal to Ye Gong?

   Of course, Ye Gong doesn't understand this.

   Those two are also smart, even if Qianyan didn't contact them privately, they were not in a hurry and silently did their own thing.

   Gong Yuhuai is a little bit free, the only advantage is that he can meet with His Royal Highness.

   For Ye Zhi, the champion of Wu, Ye Gong was much more generous.

   (end of this chapter)

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