All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2067: The princess who escaped death (79)

   Chapter 2067 The princess who escaped death (79)

He immediately made some changes to the plan he set before, and turned to speak: "Dear Your Majesty the Emperor of Dayue, this time our Waba country is here to ask you for help, I hope you can donate some food and items of Dayue to the Waba country. Only when people in our country are fed and clothed will they stay safe on the grasslands and ensure that there will be no harassment of the people on the frontier of Da Yue.”

As soon as    Gulliman's words came to an end, the faces of those ministers who opposed the peace discussion sank.

   If it wasn't for his status and etiquette, he would probably have picked up the cup and bowl and smashed it in Guliman's face.

  Rao is a member of Gongyu's family, knowing that Qianyan will make arrangements, and will never compromise with this small country, and his face is still uncontrollable with anger.

   In fact, the Peace Party was not very happy either. Gulliman’s arrogant and rude appearance made them feel that they were being despised.

   Ye Gong is naturally like this, the smile on his face is put away: "You should know that once Da Yue sends troops, you will not be able to please."

   "His Majesty the Emperor of Dayue, everyone in the Waba country knows that it is impossible to be a rival of Dayue. Dayue is a giant elephant in front of us. We are just a small ant, and we will never be able to shake Dayue."

"But we have to survive. Our land is poor and our products are scarce, and nothing can compare to Da Yue. In order to survive, we can only risk the risk of shattering our bones to secretly gnaw the flesh on the feet of giant elephants. Even if we know that the soles of giant elephants are extremely hard, they will If we break our teeth, we still have to do that." Guliman's face was persistent, and it was obviously shameless, but some people really felt sympathy and felt that they had nothing to do.

   This group of sympathetic people is naturally in the group discussion and the party.

   Listening to Guliman's praise of Da Yue's strength and rich products, comparing Da Yue to a giant elephant, and comparing the country of Waba to an ant, many of the anger before the party and the party disappeared.

   They couldn't help but think, if they were in a small place like Waba Country, in order to survive, it would definitely be the same choice.

  Guliman observed the expressions of the ministers around him and was very satisfied.

   The words he just said were all trying to test Dayue's attitude. The two different words before and after had already made him figure out what Dayue's attitude was.

  There should be no problem in asking for things, but you can’t ask for things with a very arrogant attitude. You need to be humble and put yourself down a little bit, and things should be easier to handle.

   There are a lot of arrogant and unwilling to go into battle here.

   He scorns these people, but relishes their presence.

  Thanks to these timid pleasure-seekers, he should be able to gain a lot from his visit to Da Viet this time.

  Da Viet is so rich, he has to figure out what he wants, which can be many times more than the list he made before.

   Next is Ye Gong asking about the current status of Waba.

   Guliman naturally described it as particularly miserable, which attracted sympathy from many people.

  The Gongyu family and the ministers of the party who opposed the peace conference should have their minds clear. They just thought that this small country had many tricks and flattery to ask for things, which made some people confused.

   When it comes to the items needed, the two sides are you and me.

   Guilliman basically did not back down, and even asked to marry a princess for their king, so that the friendship between the two countries could last forever.

   His strong attitude gives the impression that he is a mad dog that is hungry and will bite at any time.

  It is definitely impossible to talk about this in one day. For half a month, Ye Gong and Manchao did not know how many times they talked about it.

   (end of this chapter)

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