All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2086: The princess who escaped death (98)

   Chapter 2086 The princess who escaped death (98)

   He recited in his heart, forgetting, forgetting, forgetting everything.

   He didn't know anything, he just collected some information for the adults, and he didn't remember anything. He is the memory of the legendary fish, which is all forgotten in a while.

   For three days, Gongyu Huaiguan studied the notebook in the house.

   Qianyan didn't know about this, and if he knew, he probably wouldn't know how to evaluate it.

  Three days later, the morning court and the scattered court.

   Qianyan still left Gong Yuhuai behind.

  Ever since Gong Yuhuai was the prime minister, she would leave him alone almost every morning, and after a while, Gong Yuhuai would ruthlessly "rub" the courtiers and oppress them in various ways.

   Occasionally discussing late at night, Gong Yuhuai will stay overnight in the side hall.

  Nowadays, the Manchu Dynasty is used to Gong Yuhuai being able to get the preferential treatment of Qianyan.

   Even if he lived in the palace for a long time, it is estimated that no one would suspect anything.

   Gong Yuhuai was on his way to Changqiu Palace when he suddenly remembered these past events, and he became enlightened.

   His Majesty asked him to eat every time the court went away, and sometimes left him to live with His Majesty. Are you thinking about today?

   If so, it can only be said that Your Majesty is really prudent.

   In the face of such a person, even if you want to do the following, it is not impossible, Gong Yuhuai wants to understand.

   Being able to join hands with the people you are happy with and get in touch more closely, what’s so bad about it?

  The two had dinner together, Qianyan called Gong Yuhuai over to discuss some important matters, and then it was too late, so he had to go to the side hall to rest.

   "Remember what I told you before?"

   Gong Yuhuai remembered Qianyan reminding a door in the side hall, and hurriedly said, "Remember."

"That's good."

  【What kind of riddle are they playing? 】

   [Woooo, so annoying, it's hidden content again. 】

  【Okay, His Majesty and the Prime Minister are going to rest, let’s jump to tomorrow morning. 】

   Besides, Gong Yuhuai entered the side hall, and soon found the door, opened it, and sure enough, it led to another place, and he arrived at Qianyan's bedroom without taking two steps.


   "It's me." Gong Yuhuai said nervously, walking over slowly.

   I don't know why His Majesty didn't call him by his name, but only by his first name, but he was still very happy.

  Although he was ready, this was something he never thought about.

   If this man is His Majesty, he will.

   Gong Yuhuai lifted the translucent curtain and looked at the person sitting under the lamp reading a book. She was half leaning on the chair, and the light reflected on her beautiful fair face.

  The clothes that belonged to a woman, the long black hair scattered, and the gesture of a girl, made Gong Yuhuai sluggish.

If he was still preparing to get close to a man the day before, then all his cognitions have been overturned, and he suddenly felt that the picture book he read before was a bit irritating, and he wanted to wash his eyes. clean.

   Obviously still has a similar face, but the person under the lamp can see at a glance that it is a girl, where is the Erlang you saw during the day?

   "Not ready yet?" Qianyan put down the book, "How about you go back and think about it?"

   "No." Gong Yuhuai stepped over, because everything was so unbelievable that he was a little bit hand in hand, "I'm ready, my heart will never change."

   No matter if His Majesty is a girl or a boy.

   When His Majesty was a boy, he could convince himself, not to mention she was a girl?

   Early in the morning, the live broadcast room was already squatting at the door.

   Qianyan came out of the bedroom, Gong Yuhuai came out from the side hall, and went to court with her.

   She glanced at the barrages that knocked on CP, her eyebrows raised slightly.

  In the days to come, every time after the court disbanded, Gong Yuhuai would stay for dinner, discuss important matters with Qianyan, and live in the side hall for one night, so no one noticed that something was wrong.

   However, Manchao found that Prime Minister Gongyu's temper was getting better and better, his smile was friendly, and he was not very yin and yang.

  For the Manchu dynasty, this is a good thing.

   From time to time, someone proposes to ask Qianyan to choose a concubine. Whenever this happens, Gong Yuhuai will stand up and say that this person is idle and suggest that the other party go to remote places to help the poor.

   Over time, everyone understood that Qianyan didn’t want to choose a concubine, so they didn’t mention it much.

   His Majesty has no heirs, so they can only be selected from the clan. Fortunately, there are still many people in the Ye family, and there is no heir.

   Immediately, many children in the Ye family were targeted.

  Changqiu Hall, Gong Yuhuai is asking Qianyan about this.

   "I already have an idea. Jiao Hui and his wife are in love. They have already given birth to several children. The second child, Jiao Fu, is very good. I still chose the name."

   At that time, Qianyan finally knew who Jiao Fu was mentioned in the live broadcast room.

   (end of this chapter)

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