Chapter 2088 Fair Mentor (1)

"When I found out that my dad was framed, I was confused whether it was a mistake to be a just person." The young woman on the stone bench raised her head, her voice was hoarse and not very pleasant, it sounded like her throat was stuck sand.

   Her face was pale, and she looked like she was in her thirties.

   Apparently, this was her age when she died.

"My dad is a university professor with a very gentle personality and treats every student very well, whether it is to impart knowledge to them, or to teach them the truth of being a human being, and to guide them in the direction of life. I really did not expect that such a warm person would actually Someone slandered him." Speaking of these, the young woman's face showed uncontrollable anger, "That was the first time I doubted whether I was right to uphold justice, after all, Dad was framed because of me."

"When I was confused and doubted myself, he was still calm in the turmoil, facing all the strange eyes calmly, and even saw my situation, and instead came to enlighten me. He said that there is nothing wrong with insisting on justice, and there is no need to doubt anything. He will encounter all this, not because of my justice, but because of people's evil. If one day everyone is unwilling to uphold justice, then the world will no longer have such precious things, the order will be destroyed, and eventually it will only go to perish."

   "He also said that if there is no one who insists on justice, someone framed like him may not be able to wait calmly for the truth to come out...because there is no one to preside over justice."

   "I was still swaying, but my heart is firmer than before."

   "It's just... destiny doesn't seem to favor our family."

"When my dad went through a turmoil, was under investigation, and was attacked by countless netizens, my mother had an accident." The young woman's voice suddenly became heavy, her eyes were red, and tears were falling, "My mother is a painter, and occasionally Going to the countryside, some beautiful places for inspiration. At the time of the accident, she was living in a village, and she went there and never came back. She was killed, robbed, and died horribly. I still remember I couldn't control myself from those live photos."

   "The murderers were not smart and were caught quickly. The funny thing is that they are underage and will not be sentenced to death."

"At that time, the father's matter had not been clarified, and this matter was exposed again. There were many people who slandered my mother on the Internet, and they directly made my father very sick. When the stigma on him was cleared, I knew this. The truth of the matter is less. When netizens mention his name, the first thing that comes to mind is the beast professor who harassed the students, not the truth that he was slandered. Until, a small number of people popularize this matter. However, many more People don't pay attention to the final truth, and the impression of Dad is always those slanders."

   "After two years, Dad passed away."

"Leaving me alone in this world, I am a little overwhelmed. I am very sad, no one will guide me on the next step. My life has lost all directions, like a small sailboat in the sea. "

"Until they got out of prison, I found the target." When the young woman said this, there was a smile on her face, quiet and cold, with a very contradictory expression, "There is no absolute fairness in this world, such as these cruel demons. , they can continue to live. Why?"

   (end of this chapter)

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