Chapter 2104 Fair Mentor (17)

   At least he is half a hundred years old. He is not so simple, but he lives a relatively simple life.


"Okay, you can go." Weng Qingda thought for a while and said, "Go to relax, and accompany your mother. You don't have to worry about things here, I'll be fine. I got the news yesterday, and the school can help me clarify it soon. That's it. Innocent people are always innocent, and because of me, I also indirectly helped those classmates next door, so it's not a loss."

  Weng Qingda smiled open-mindedly: "Yanyan, don't care too much about the attitude of the program team. Those who can insist on themselves are all brave. We can't be defeated by these, and we must be our own brave."

  System 666: [Such a good person, only a lunatic would have the heart to hurt him. 】

  The woman in the wishing space has a fever in her eyes: "Xie Xinyu is indeed a neuropathy."

   Qianyan replied: "Okay, the brave will not be defeated."

   At least she is here, no one can beat her.

  The woman in the wishing space had been crying for a long time, crying for a while, and laughing for a while, System 666 felt very sad, and took out all kinds of snacks to make her happy.

   That night, Qianyan Point held the campus forum of Kai Weng Qingda School.

There are also posts about Xie Xinyu in the    forum, which contains Xie Xinyu's articles, and photos of the other's parents appearing at school to seek justice for their daughter.

   She hurriedly glanced, and then posted all the evidence that Xie Xinyu framed Weng Qingda to the campus forum, using computer technology to temporarily lock the forum to ensure that the post would not be deleted.

   Few of the students of this era don’t stay up late, and it’s a Friday night, so it’s even more lively.

The    campus forum caused an uproar. When teachers and classmates in a certain college were eating melons together, Qianyan had already obtained the social account of Xu Shen, Pei Chuanzhi's manager, and quickly posted the sorted text and pictures.

   As for the video, she hung the link on it, and she still did some tricks so that netizens had enough time to watch these melons.

The first sentence at the beginning of    is: I, Xu Chen, want to do justice today and expose all kinds of inside stories under my real name.

   System 666 secretly complained: Suddenly the second.

   Pei Chuan knew about the boss behind him. In such a short period of time, Qianyan didn't have much information.

   But the prime minister of her family came first and was well prepared. She got a lot of information about the other party, and she directly reported them.

   Now, don't talk about protecting Pei Chuanzhi, it's a question whether he can keep it.

   Originally, netizens were still carrying Xie Xinyu's framing of Weng Qingda, but Xu Shen's social account suddenly released melons, which really made it difficult for netizens. They didn't know which to eat first.

   [Fuck, I thought Xie Xinyu avenged Aidou and framed Professor Weng Qingda was outrageous enough, I didn't expect it to be even more explosive. 】

   [I don't know which righteous Taoist priest is, he took out a peach wood sword in the middle of the night to slash monsters. 】

   [I said before that the case of Professor Weng Qingda is different from that of another beast professor. There are countless teachers and students who support him in real names. The incident at the school next door was quickly dealt with, and no substantive evidence has been presented here, and some people say I wash. Thanks to this righteous fellow Taoist, your peach wood sword is really good. 】

  【So, is there actually a boss behind Pei Chuanzhi, or is it a man? 】

  【Fans, come and see how your brother is leaning on his boss's arms, isn't he shy and cute? Surprise is not surprising that your brother still has such a side? 】

   [Oh my God, I clicked on one of the videos, and Pei Chuanzhi knew that Professor Weng Qingda was framed very early on. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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