Chapter 2109 Fair Mentor (22)

   "Mom, have you ever had a guest at home?"

"Oh, some children in the village." Cui Yashu said, "It should be said that they are very kind and kind children. When they first came to this village, they told me a lot about the local area. What's a good place here? , beautiful places, I entrust them to take me there."

   "I can't let these kids run away in vain, so I bought some snacks and drinks and put them at home."

"They only came here today because they picked up an injured puppy before and couldn't bear to watch the puppy suffer, so they came to me for help." Cui Yashu saw that Qianyan and Weng Qingda were listening carefully, and continued, "In the village When encountering this kind of injured puppy, the best thing to do is to find a place for the puppy to put it and use some human medicine, it is impossible to send it to the hospital."

"Those children think that the puppy's leg should be broken, and there are still many scars on the body. It is better to send it to the hospital. It is estimated that they will be beaten to their parents, so they can only come to me. I think this is also a small life, When I met them, I took the puppy to the hospital for treatment. I am allergic to dog hair, so I can't take care of it myself. When I go to see the puppy, they are always running, and they will tell me when I come back. I heard that the puppy's condition is not optimistic. ."

   "I guess it won't last for a few days. A few children are very sad."

   "So it is." Weng Qingda shook Cui Yashu's hand, "The children in the small village are really simple."

   Qianyan: The professors in this city are quite simple.

   But who could have predicted that a few teenage boys could do the kind of things that people and gods are angry with?

   Cui Yashu didn't say more, and urged Weng Qingda to go to the kitchen to wash the vegetables, she was about to cook.

   Qianyan consciously did not follow, there was no place for her to stay there.

   Walking into the living room, Qianyan took out her mobile phone to contact the bodyguards in the village, and asked about the little devils and what happened to the puppy.

   Why didn't she think that those little devils had the kind of heart and would pick up the puppies on the roadside for treatment?

  It is good to not throw a few stones in the past.

   "After Ms. Cui took the puppy to the veterinary hospital, they took the puppy away from the veterinary hospital the next day and threw it away. The puppy is so pitiful, I picked it up and raised it, and it can walk now."

   "They had a sum of money from Ms. Cui to treat the puppy, and they squandered it all."

   "They should think that if they continue to deceive Ms. Cui, they will become suspicious, and they will say that the puppy is dead."

   "By the way, Miss Weng, we accidentally learned that they made all the scars on the puppy. I guess they were trying to cheat Ms. Cui's money."

   "These little brats in the village are really vicious."

   Hearing these words, Qianyan was not surprised at all: "It's hard work, keep watching. My mother will live in various places in the future, let's work together for a long time, and you will protect her."

   "We can't ask for a boss like Miss Weng."

  The bodyguards investigated the matter, Qian Yan did not tell Cui Yashu and his wife.

   Those little demons should be about to act, so it doesn't make sense to say in advance.

  Qianyan opened the bag, glanced at the two stacks of cash inside, and then threw the bag into the living room, just when the bag opened slightly, and part of the cash could be seen.

   This is to avoid those little devils who don't dare to act when they see that there are too many people, and stimulate it.

  If they still dare not do anything, it does not mean that they will not commit crimes in the future.

   But according to her understanding of people's hearts, they have a big appetite and will definitely do it.

   I came back in the afternoon and lay down and lay down.

   Two chapters first, still writing



   (end of this chapter)

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