Chapter 2119 Fair Mentor (32)

   Not only that, but the piglets can be raised in each other's house for a while longer.

   They made a loud noise in their abacus, but they didn't want to go to the village. In the village next door, someone came to book the little piglets soon.

  The He family found out about the Liu family and decided to buy a piglet immediately.

   But the little pigs were booked, all from the village and the neighboring villages. You can’t see them when you look up, and you have to be trustworthy as a person. The Liu family will definitely not sell them.

  The couple of the He family failed to buy the piglet and went home angrily. They complained about the matter for a long time. Naturally, they said a lot of bad things about the Liu family.

   also speculated that most of the Liu family did it on purpose, they just didn’t want to sell it to them.

   He Dongqiang heard these words and felt that the Liu family was very hateful, so he invited several other people to discuss how to teach the Liu family a lesson without knowing it.

   They directly used the pesticides from Liu's family to give the piglets to die. It was not long before the incident was captured by Lu Yuhuai's camera.

   also said that the Zhang family, who was hollowed out by them, was because Zhou Yongbin wanted to borrow the Zhang family’s children’s homework to copy, but he was rejected, and he felt resentment in his heart.

   His grades are not very good, and he has problems completing his homework. It just so happens that the Zhang family's children have excellent grades and are the monitor of the class.

   Zhou Yongbin had borrowed Zhang's children's homework copy before, but was later discovered by the teacher and warned Zhang's children, which was harming Zhou Yongbin. Therefore, this time, the Zhang family children did not borrow any more.

   Zhou Yongbin felt that the Zhang family's children were too self-righteous and unbalanced.

   When several people met at the secret base, he complained about this, and several children felt that they had to teach the Zhang family a lesson.

   I happened to hear the Zhang family say that the radishes in the field have grown up, and they plan to dig them out to make dried radishes and soak them.

  So, they decided to find an opportunity to hollow out Zhang's big white radish.

   In addition to these two things, the camera also captured other things.

   As for how many similar things these children have done, I don't know.

   But the people mentioned in the camera, the police station all called people over to talk about the situation, and the village chief also followed.

   I saw those children say those words with my own eyes, and the three views of the villagers were refreshed.

  Although some people don't like a few children, they never thought they were so bad.

   Those families in the village who have been harassed by several children are already breaking up with their parents.

   The parents of a few children faced the prospect that their children would be sentenced, and at the same time had to pay compensation to those in the village, so anxious that the corners of their mouths were bubbling.

   As for the Qianyan family, they have long been neglected.

   Qianyan and Lu Yuhuai left the police station. They didn't plan to stay here any longer. It was enough to arrange for someone to watch the follow-up matters.

  With the evidence in Lu Yuhuai's camera, a few children will never be turned away.

  Lu Yuhuai went back with Qianyan's family. Weng Qingda and Cui Yashu had a good impression of him because of his timely help that night.

The day after    went back, Lu Yuhuai and Qianyan carefully explained what theme song he wanted for his new play.

   For better communication, the two meet from time to time.

   In any case, Lu Yuhuai and Qianyan are both popular figures, and things they often meet are quickly transferred to the Internet.

   It's just that before the netizens had time to discuss, Lu Yuhuai's fans told people what was going on.

  【What do you think, who said that a man and a woman must meet to fall in love? 】

  【Don't be bad about Brother Huai, he finally worked hard to cooperate with Teacher Weng. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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