All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2141: When she wakes up she's an orphan (14)

   Chapter 2141 When she woke up, she became an orphan (14)

   The two of them never thought that Qianyan would make a move, and they didn't have time to avoid it. One of them was slapped by Qianyan and slapped them twice, beating them dumbfounded.

   "How could my sister and Su Xiange be together? This must be a dream, you are all fake."

   "They are so good to me, even if they really fell into my dreams, they wouldn't do such a thing to hurt me."

   Wei Xiaoning and Su Xian still had burning pain on their faces. They didn't want Qianyan to hold back, so they punched and kicked them, making them scream.

   They wanted to resist, but they didn't know why she was so terrifyingly powerful, neither of them could struggle, but they could only take her many fists.

   Fortunately, someone was watching outside, and seeing that the two could not resist, he quickly arranged for someone to come in to stop them.

   With the help of tranquilizers, Qianyan finally "calm down" and "sleep" soundly on the hospital bed.

   Wei Xiaoning and Su Xian on the ground were very embarrassed, their hair and clothes were messy, their cheeks were swollen, and their long nails were scratched.

"Crazy, she's crazy, she must be crazy." Wei Xiaoning couldn't help crying, and shouted in grievance, "Han Qianyan is a lunatic, look at what I've been beaten by her, pinched by her, She was slapped in the face, scratched by her fingernails, punched a lot on her body, and pulled her hair. I quit, why is it me who gets hurt every time? And you guys are watching jokes."

  Su Xian was helped up from the ground, his mouth was still crooked, he was beaten by Han Qianyan, he really wanted to resist, but the other party seemed to have the strength of a cow.

   "Why don't you ask Mr. Hawke?" Wei Shuyan said, seeing the embarrassment of the two, he was also a little worried that he would be punched and kicked by Han Qianyan, and the fact that he was pinched before was still his psychological shadow.

   Not long after, Wei Zhong, who was in charge of contacting Mr. Hawke, said, "Mr. Hawke means, continue."

   Everyone looked at each other and understood that Mr. Hawke liked this kind of reaction.

   At least Han Qianyan's mood is very unstable today, like a lunatic, which proves that she is not so peaceful in her heart.

   The reason for beating Wei Xiaoning and Su Xian is obviously to treat them as scumbags and mistresses.

  This proves that they still have an influence on her.

   "Then continue to exchange her identity?"

   "Wait and see."

  Wei Xiaoning heard that he was going to continue, and broke down and cried: "Can't I quit? Can you tell me to Mr. Hawke for me, can I not participate for the time being?"

   She really couldn't take it anymore. If she had to be beaten every time she changed her identities, she would definitely go crazy.

   Is this game watching Han Qianyan's mental limit, or is she watching her being beaten by Han Qianyan?

  Su Xian couldn't help but ask: "Is it really impossible to quit temporarily?"

   "Dad, you and Mr. Hawke beg for mercy, let me quit for a while, I really want to rest." Wei Xiaoning said with tears.

Wei Zhong said: "Xiaoning, if it wasn't for me and your mother reluctant to part with you back then, it would be you, not her, who was observed by Mr. Hawke today. You have enjoyed a superior life since you were a child, and if you want anything, you will be beaten twice. What? If you quit at this time, Mr. Hawke will be very angry. You should be able to know how powerful Mr. Hawke is. All of our wealth here is supported by Mr. Hawke. "

   "If you quit, not only will you lose your status as the daughter of the Wei family, but you will be sent to the poorest places abroad."

   (end of this chapter)

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