All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2149: When she wakes up she's an orphan (22)

   Chapter 2149 When she woke up, she became an orphan (22)

   "He will take care of him when you get sick in the future. You don't have to worry about anything anymore."

   Han Qianyan agreed or not, they all had corresponding arrangements.

   Qianyan asked, "Who is that person?"

   "Bigger than me, how much bigger?"

Zuo Ying was contemptuous in his heart, as it turns out that no one can escape glory and wealth, and there are very few idiots like Xie Man: "His name is Yue Hongfeng, he is fifty-five this year, and he actually looks quite young. People in the circle are very good at taking care of themselves, and standing with you will not look old. The most important thing is that he is single so far, and he only likes you, and doesn't care about your current situation. "

   Zuo Ying never regarded Han Qianyan as her daughter. From the very beginning, she was very sure of what she needed, so she said these words without any burden in her heart.

   Those who were able to choose to participate in this game in the first place will not be able to turn back, and they can only go one way to the dark.

   Getting used to the current life and status, no one wants to lose everything at once.

   It's not that they haven't quit over the years, but these people who want to quit have been sent away. When they lost everything, they have regretted it. Unfortunately, Mr. Hawke will not give them a second chance. What happened later, no one will be interested to know, that is not a good thing.

   Mr. Hawke's ability, no one can understand.

   "Mrs Wei, are you kidding me?"

   "I'm not kidding." Zuo Ying seemed to hold Qian Yan with a smile on his face.

  Mr. Hawke has put a lot of pressure on them recently, all because of this stinky girl.

   Honestly, I knew it would be better to choose Wei Xiaoning in the first place. Even though she is her own daughter, in the face of huge wealth, her daughter can also be sacrificed.

   "In my impression, Mrs. Wei's face is kind and kind, and she will never show your distorted expression, let alone introduce me to an old man. Your appearance is so incompatible with the Mrs. Wei I know."

   Zuo Ying frowned, for some reason, she felt a little uneasy.

   "Such an outrageous thing, I can't think of anything other than a dream."

   "You guys are not bad for money, why would you introduce me to an old man just because of this little money?"

   "So, this must be a dream." Qianyan's expression was serious.

   When Qianyan was talking about her dream, Zuo Ying was really panicked, she turned around and wanted to leave, not wanting Qianyan to be so fast, so she rushed up and grabbed her.

   She slapped Zuo Ying on Zuo Ying's face with a few slaps, beating people screaming.

  There were three Wei Xiaoning in the house, they rushed up to pull them, but they were all beaten by Qianyan.

   She chased these people and ran around the house, punching and kicking them, and while beating, she said that this must be a dream, and that this hateful dream should disappear.

   She shattered her words while beating people expressionlessly, like a pervert.

   She can end the game early, but how can she help the original owner relieve her hatred if she doesn't play it first?

On the other side of the ocean, an old man with a typical western face sitting in front of the screen leaned his head on the back of the chair: "She is a bit different from ordinary people, there is a pervert hidden in her body, and whenever she is threatened, this pervert will come out to attack people. It's kind of interesting, but unfortunately, my guests don't like it."

   "My guests like to see these oriental faces struggling in despair, being teased by a group of people who are also oriental."

"It should have been a picture of a group of wastes who thought they were at the top of the food chain teasing a little ant, not that the little ant suddenly mutated into a man-eating ant. Some guests responded that such a picture made them feel very uncomfortable. "

   "Mr. Hawke, you are not satisfied with her performance, do you plan to destroy her?"

   "I don't need it for the time being. I have managed to keep it for so many years. It's a pity to destroy it like this. It cost me countless efforts and money. Inform them to speed up the progress, otherwise my guests will be impatient."

   "We'll invite the next performer when she's finished here, and hope this situation won't happen again."

   "Let's see how long she can hold on, and look forward to her next performance."

   "Okay, Mr. Hawke."

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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