All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2159: When she wakes up she's an orphan (32)

   Chapter 2159 When she woke up, she became an orphan (32)

   "At the age of five, they thought I was stupid and abandoned me. Later I was adopted and my mental problems were treated, but the trauma was too great to heal."

   "I remember these things clearly. Even in the middle of the night, I secretly heard them discussing that I was useless. Mr. Hawke was not satisfied with my stupid appearance and would not give them any more money."

   "Since then, the name of Mr. Hawke has been kept in my mind, but I have never had the opportunity to contact him. I didn't expect that you would be involved with Mr. Hawke."

"I transferred to your high school in my second year of high school because my adoptive parents were very old and just passed away. I never told them the secret in my heart, and I didn't want them to get involved. I came back that time with the intention of Investigate the couple and want to know from them the whereabouts of Mr Hawke, and then make a conclusion."

   "It's just that they disappeared and couldn't find any news at all. Then I got to know you and decided to stay here."

   Xie Man suddenly realized at this time, no wonder Chen Qiyuan has always been so confident, never worried about the future, and said that this life will definitely make her happy.

   He not only has the confidence of his family, but also the confidence of his own intelligence.

   She also understood why the other party didn't talk about family matters, because he knew her well enough.

   Once she knew that the other party's family was rich and there was a class gap with her, she would definitely turn around and leave, because of that **** low self-esteem and self-esteem.

   "How did you contact Mr. Hawke?" Chen Qiyuan asked.

Xie Man didn't hide any more this time: "Not long after you disappeared 26 years ago, I received a call. The other party claimed to be Mr. Hawk's side and invited me to participate in a life game show." , she paused, and continued, "Just as they cheated you in the class, their plan this time is to cheat a little girl. First, they raised this little girl like a princess. When she was eighteen years old, All of a sudden, everyone who had a relationship with her said that it had nothing to do with her, making her an orphan..."

   "Full live broadcast."

   Chen Qiyuan sneered: "It seems that the equipment has been upgraded. It used to be video shooting, but now it is live broadcast."

   "Maybe my crazy appearance makes them very interesting, and they don't avoid me in many things." Xie Man replied.

   "I don't dare to say these things. Those classmates who wanted to quit midway have disappeared inexplicably. According to Zuo Ying, they are still alive, and the results should not be very good."

   At this point, Xie Man already understood that it was inevitable to invite Chen Qiyuan to join the anti-Mr. Hawk life game show. Without waiting for the other party to speak, she said, "Xi Yuan, are you willing to join the anti-Mr. Hawk life game show?"

  Chen Zhihuai: "…"

  Chen Qiyuan: "…"

  The topic suddenly changed, which really made them unable to react.

  Xie Man then talked about Qianyan's story. Chen Qiyuan and Chen Zhihuai were both stunned when they heard it. After they were done, they both shared an idea with Xie Man. Han Qianyan is really not a simple girl.

   "How do we cooperate?" Chen Qiyuan asked, "Of course I'd be happy to join such a game."

   That Mr. Hawke wanted to go to a meeting many years ago.

  Xie Man said: "I need to ask her."

   She picked up the phone and opened the dialog box, and found that the previous records disappeared again, and her heart became more determined.

   With the ability revealed by the other party, it is worth her going crazy.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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