All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2195: When she wakes up she's an orphan (68)

   Chapter 2195 When she woke up, she became an orphan (68)

   Facing everyone's unbelievable and unbelievable gazes, Larkin Hawk's uncontrollable expression showed the expression of controlling everything in the past.

   He dared to swear to God that such an expression was definitely not revealed by him voluntarily, it must have been the terrifying psychological suggestion given to him by that eastern demon.

   When the people present saw him showing such an expression, their hearts were about to go cold.

   "I thought it was a joke, right? Mr. Hawke?"

   "It must be a joke, how could this be possible."

   "Whether it's a joke or not, I don't want to stay here anymore, it's not what I thought, I'm leaving here."

   "Yes, we have to get out of here right away."


   The guests who originally thought they were coming to watch the show on vacation were all excited, and while shouting, they squeezed towards Larkin Hawk's seat.

  Larkin Hawk hurriedly asked people to stop those people, but fortunately he brought everyone in the manor over.

   Oh no, **** it, it's definitely not a good thing for that eastern demon to let him bring everyone over.

   Soon Larkinhawk discovered something. Although the guests were very excited, they wanted to rush over to stamp him to death, but for some reason, there was no such crazy crowded scene.

   He thought of that oriental demon named Han Qianyan, yes, it must be her.

   "Everyone, be more obedient." Larkin Hawke said, with a smile on his face, he hated this kind of expression very much, and he could only express his apologies to these guests in his heart, he couldn't get rid of that demon.

   Then everyone will be unlucky together.

   "Cooperate well, I won't do anything to you."

  Larkin Hawke's flirtatious tone made the people present more and more angry.

   There are already people who don't care about the appearance of elegance, spit at him frantically, and all kinds of abusive words burst out of their mouths.

  Larkin Hawke was accidentally spit in his face, and he was also a little angry: "Everyone is so energetic, it seems that dinner does not need to be enjoyed."

   He originally wanted to arrange for someone to beat up these people, even though they were his guests, but now they are just a group of performers, and they even swear at him and spit on him. He has never suffered such grievances.

   But he couldn't say such words. Needless to say, it must be a psychological suggestion from that eastern demon.

   He didn't even understand, the other party didn't want to watch them break out into a physical conflict.

   Since she wanted to deal with them, shouldn't it be very happy for her to have such a thing happen?

   "Miss Han's hypnotism is really perfect." Chen Zhihuai stared at the movement on the monitor, obviously both parties wanted to do it, but they didn't do it.

   To be honest, he knew that hypnotism existed in this world, but he had never seen such a magical hypnotism that could control people so thoroughly.

   Qianyan glanced at the monitor, squatted on the ground, and was holding a Larkin Hawk who was eating bread.

   The so-called guests were stunned to see him enjoying such an inelegant dinner that even homeless people disliked. Very confused, is this what he said to start having a delicious dinner?

At this time, Qian Yancai said leisurely: "Many of them are not young, and conflicts are not good for their health. Mr. Hawke is very well prepared, and he also brought a medical team to see a doctor at any time, so that they will not be able to adapt to this place in the early stage. environment of."

   (end of this chapter)

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