All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2302: Running the ball with the ball (10)

   Chapter 2302 Running the ball with the ball (10)

   "Maybe I've been a little busy at work recently, and something happened yesterday, so I'm a little confused."

  Ning Weiwei's attitude was so soft, her eyes were red, she sat by the bed and looked at Qian Yan, but Chen Xueying couldn't say anything else.

   She is also an outsider and can't take care of other people's affairs.

"Yanyan is only six years old. If you are too busy, ask a nanny to take care of you at home. No matter how sensible a child is, many things are not as good as adults, and many emergencies cannot be handled." Chen Xueying said, "In that case, you will work overtime and be busy. For a few days and nights, you don't have to worry about the child, you can know the situation with a phone call."

   As an outsider, all Chen Xueying can do is make suggestions.

  Ning Weiwei hurriedly said: "I will, I wasn't so busy before, I didn't think about it so much, and I asked strangers to be a little worried. Now that such a big thing has happened, I will definitely think about it."

  Ning Weiwei's attitude is so good, Chen Xueying is even more difficult to say.

   Later, Ning Weiwei took the initiative to raise the issue of hospital expenses, not someone who likes to take advantage of it, so Chen Xueying's attitude softened a bit.

   But Qianyan knew that when Chen Xueying and the others left, Ning Weiwei would guard her and cry in various ways.

  Ning Weiwei can't beat children, but she will use language to brainwash children, show her suffering over and over again, and let children listen to her words, which is similar to mental torture.

   She was embarrassed by Meng Sheng when she was filming yesterday, but Meng Sheng couldn't let her film for one night.

  Why did you go last night, she knows it herself.

  Qianyan didn't want to let Ning Weiwei go just like that. When the other party came in, she looked carefully, and she didn't let go of the other party's body. She really found evidence.

  Seeing that Chen Xueying was about to leave, and the nurse also brought medicine in, Qian Yan suddenly said, "Mom, were you filming yesterday? Is the red one on your neck injured?"

   "Sister Nurse, please show my mother the wound on her neck."

  Ning Weiwei was sitting on the edge of the bed, when Qian Yan pulled her collar off unexpectedly, her little finger pointed to the place where Ning Weiwei's neck was red, and the whole ward was quiet at that time.

   Chen Xueying's expression, who had eased a little, was indescribable. The nurse was very close to Ning Weiwei, and when she saw the circle around her neck, how could she not understand what it was.

   Originally, she still had some understanding of the hardships of being a single mother, but now her three views have been shattered.

   After working for a long time, my daughter was hospitalized with a high fever. I went to Merry at night. Such an obvious mark must have been from last night.

  Ning Weiwei's brain exploded, her face was flushed red, she forgot her current situation for a while, and she pushed Qian Yan away from shame and anger. With a lot of strength, she pushed Qian Yan directly onto the bed.

   "Miss Ning, what are you doing?" Chen Xueying hurried over, "The child just cares about you."

   In Chen Xueying's eyes, Qianyan is a child who doesn't understand anything, and she doesn't want the child to understand this matter, so she chooses to help cover it up in front of her.

   As for Wei Huaiyan, when Qianyan said that, he was taken out by Lin Jingzheng.

   But when he turned his head back with that indescribable expression, Qianyan understood that this kid probably knew it.

  Why he can understand such a thing, the problem must be the adults around him. According to the information she learned, it must have been Wei Huaiyan's father.

   That's not a good thing.

   Chen Xueying took Ning Weiwei out and gave Qianyan an excuse to take her mother to treat her injuries.

  Qianyan cooperated naturally, didn't delve into this matter, and comforted Ning Weiwei so that she wouldn't be afraid of pain.

   The more obedient she is, the more adults present feel that Ning Weiwei is not a thing.

After    Qianyan's operation, Ning Weiwei lost all face.

  Ning Weiwei and her are a bit famous, the doctors and nurses recognized her yesterday.

   Just yesterday, she mentally scanned around the hospital and noticed paparazzi following her.

  The original owner was a child and recorded some programs, but the children are still not as good as adults.

   After the two mothers and daughters became famous, there were more announcements belonging to Ning Weiwei, and Meng Sheng secretly sent resources to Ning Weiwei.

   So Ning Weiwei is getting more and more popular.

   (end of this chapter)

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