All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2345: Running the ball with the ball (53)

   Chapter 2345 Running the ball with the ball (53)

  Ning Weiwei wanted to get angry and say no.

  Meng Sheng took the phone and went to the rest room, and whispered, "There's something wrong with the two children, you'll know when you come."

  Ning Weiwei had a bad premonition and couldn't bear to be angry anymore. Besides, she wasn't too angry, one of the purposes was to make life more passionate.

   After so many years, what kind of person is Meng Sheng? Will she betray her? She is like a mirror in her heart.

   Another purpose this time was to ask Meng Sheng to help fill the loopholes on her parents' side, otherwise she wouldn't want to use this matter to make trouble with the other party.

   Not long after, Ning Weiwei came to Meng Sheng's office.

   Ning Weiwei wanted to run wild when she saw that Long and Phoenix gave her various analyses of the misunderstanding between the two, with the words "Hurry up to praise them" all over her face.


   Obviously she seldom let the two children touch the leaky ripped cotton jacket, how come these two children still look like she doesn't like.

  Meng Sheng arranged for the dragon and phoenix to be sent back. Before going back, the dragon and phoenix also told them to be well. If there is anything in the future, they will sit down and talk about it, so that there will be no such misunderstandings.

  Dragon and Phoenix have no other idea, just think that it should be done.

   Even if their parents are not close to them, they are their parents anyway. If there is any difficulty, they will definitely help to solve it.

  Meng Sheng is actually fine, he is not as repulsive as before, and he still thinks that his genes are good, and the children born are all very smart.

   Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and thinking differently than before.

  Ning Weiwei was different, she didn't want to see Meng Qianyan's shadow from the dragon and phoenix at all.

   It's just that they haven't seen each other very often. It's impossible to say that they were influenced by Meng Qianyan.

  Ning Weiwei was sitting in the office with an ugly face. Could it be that she will not be able to raise an obedient child in her life?

"Weiwei, I actually have other ideas to pick you up this time." Meng Sheng sat on the boss chair and looked at Ning Weiwei, who was silent in the distance, and suddenly realized that he and Ning Weiwei were actually old. No wonder he has lost the passion of his youth over the years.

   In fact, he and Ning Weiwei have not been without contradictions in these years, and they are still those conflicts when they were young.

  How to say it, even if Ning Weiwei is middle-aged, she still has no shortage of admirers because she is well maintained.

   She did not refuse the help of these admirers.

   If he was young, he would have been in trouble long ago. Now that he's used to it, and after watching more, he finds that every time Ning Weiwei runs out of others, she pats her **** and leaves, she has no extra thoughts about those admirers, and she is so ruthless that it is shocking.

   After being together for so many years, it was the first time he calmed down and thought about this.

   He likes Ning Weiwei, and is not interested in other women.

   Maybe it was because he had a lot of trouble with Ning Weiwei when he was young. Even though there were many young and excellent women around him who were interested in him, he subconsciously thought whether this could be another Ning Weiwei.

   He likes Ning Weiwei, but his feelings are not particularly profound. After chasing down again and again, he was already tired, so he didn't expect any freshness from those young women.

   Just look at Xu Jingshen.

   Since losing her power, the number of times Ning Weiwei went to him for help has gradually decreased, and she has hardly seen each other in recent years.

   Occasionally meet, the two seem as if nothing ever happened. This made Meng Sheng a little shocked, because Xu Jingshen was not an example, there were many others, and those people were all admirers of Ning Weiwei.

   (end of this chapter)

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