All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2351: Running the ball with the ball (59)

   Chapter 2351 Running the ball with the ball (59)

  Longfengti sister said: "When you get the actress, come back to do other things. Your life is so long, how can you only do one line of work."

  The two brothers and sisters aggressively entered the entertainment circle with huge funds, and Qianyan also invested in the script for them.

   She didn't know how much she saw, and there were all kinds of subjects.

  The two brothers and sisters are very smart, they have no shortage of funds and scripts, so going in is naturally a slaughter.

   On the day when the two brothers and sisters won the award, they thanked the second elders of the Meng family, Qian Yan, Meng Zhe, and the staff, and also mentioned Meng Sheng a little, but did not thank Ning Weiwei.

   After listening to the two brothers and sisters finished their long talk, they immediately announced that they would quit the circle and change their careers, and the whole Internet was shocked.

  Ning Weiwei saw the myth created by the dragon and the phoenix siblings, and she only felt a pain in her face, but she had no pride in her heart.

   Next, when the two brothers and sisters go to a circle, they will slaughter the circle and come out again.

Compared with Qian Yan and Meng Zhe's low-key, the two of them have the sharpness, activity, and hopeful greenness of young people. They have brought great excitement to the whole society, and influenced a group of young people to make them I couldn't help but chase after the twin brothers and sisters who created the myth.

   In this life, Qianyan entered the laboratory before she was ten years old, and stayed in the laboratory until the day she died.

  Wei Huaiyan did the same, staying inside with her and growing old together.

   Life is flat, but very satisfying.

   Before his death, few people knew about them.

  After their death, all their contributions were published, shocking the world.

  At that time, Meng Zhe, who had become a world business giant, and the twin brothers and sisters who played flowers in various circles only knew how good their sister and brother-in-law were. They really weren't enough to see.

  Ning Weiwei never admit defeat all her life, she always felt that the Meng family looked down on her from old to young.

   When I was young, I was running the crew when I was middle-aged.

   You have to quit until you are old, you have money in your hand, not much. She did not live with Meng Sheng, but returned to the Ning family.

   Not long after living in the Ning family, the money in his hand was coaxed away by the Ning family.

  Ning's family coaxed her for money, and asked her to go to Meng Sheng and several children to ask for money. Ning Weiwei couldn't do such a shameful thing.

   Maybe she should be glad that she still has some self-esteem, and did not follow the instructions of the Ning family, otherwise her old age will definitely be miserable.

   Meng Sheng helped Ning Weiwei break away from Ning's family and brought her home.

   But it didn't take long for her to take it anymore. Before she knew it, Meng Sheng got along pretty well with a few children.

   The eldest and the second are not close to him, at least the dragon and the phoenix will often call him and ask about his health.

   And she herself, no one asked.

  Ning's family only knows how to **** blood, and one of the children can't remember her, which makes her feel embarrassed, sad, and a little angry.

  So, she proposed to divorce Meng Sheng.

   Meng Sheng didn't hold back, so he allocated a villa to Ning Weiwei and gave her enough money to live on.

   "If you have any difficulties, come to me again, and don't be deceived by the Ning family again."

   "If I'm cheated again, I won't give you the house and money, just give you a place to live, and give you living expenses every month."

  Ning Weiwei didn't think Meng Sheng was considerate, but only felt that he was humiliating people, which made her seem to be mentally retarded.

   But in the follow-up, she was really coaxed by the Ning family to live the kind of life Meng Sheng said.

   She was ashamed and angry, but there was nothing else she could do.

  Ning's family still wanted to ask her for money. She really couldn't bear to refuse her parents. There are not many in hand now, so I can only give some pensions.

   That time, Meng Sheng asked her, "Since you can't be cruel to the Ning family, how can you be so cruel to a few children?"

  Ning Weiwei didn't answer, she didn't know why, maybe the child was disobedient? Always confront her.

   "Do you regret it?" Meng Sheng asked.

  Ning Weiwei turned around and left, saying in a firm tone, "What do you regret? What is there to regret?"

   Meng Sheng left, and Ning Weiwei returned to the empty and cold house, only to feel that there was cold air in all directions.

   She turned on the TV and stared numbly.

   Until an interview program appeared, the young man in it was handsome and handsome, with a little coldness on his face. This is Meng Zhe, the new richest man in the agricultural country.

   (end of this chapter)

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