All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2365: The honest man's father is an improper pick-up man (13)

   Chapter 2365 Honest Dad Improper Receiver (13)

   "Does Aunt Ma think my cooking is not delicious?"

  Manana said quickly: "How come, since you said you can cook, it must be delicious."

  【I died of laughter, there is such a fool. 】

  Yuan Zehai made another note for Manana in his heart. He hoped that Lao Song would act faster. Taking advantage of this time, he should first brush up on his image as a man in front of his colleagues in the company.

   This vicious woman called them both father and daughter fools. She was too arrogant and proud to bear!

   "Isn't that possible? That's it." Qian Yan said, of course she had deep meaning in going to the company to deliver meals.

   The image of a father and daughter sitting honestly.

  Yuan Zehai didn't refuse this time. Yanyan could go there once or twice, and he could have a sense of existence. After a while, the truth was announced, so that the whole company could take a good look at Manana's face.

  【Sir, I want to remind you of one thing. ] System 666 opens suddenly.

   Qianyan ate slowly: "What's the matter?"

   She was thinking about the death of the Xie family son, was it really an accident? Is there such a coincidence? I suspect there is something else going on.

   Now that Wu Lian has exposed his mind in advance, will he be kicked out of the house? I just don't know if Xie's son could avoid the accident under this circumstance.

   [Master host, you are going to deliver meals to the company at noon today, have you forgotten that there are not many dishes that you can cook? The best ones are the confinement set meal and Mengpo soup of various flavors. 】

   Qianyan reacted, not panicking: "Search for two menus and do it accordingly."

   She just doesn't like cooking, it's not that she can't, and it's not that she can't learn. On the contrary, she learns things much faster than ordinary people.

   System 666 thought of this, and hurriedly blew a wave of rainbow farts, and then there was no sound.

  At noon, Qianyan brought two food boxes to the company.

   Many people in the company know Qianyan. As she said in the morning, the original owner often delivers meals to Yuan Zehai whenever he is on holiday. The relationship between the two fathers and daughters is very good. I don't know how many people envy such a family atmosphere.

   Yuan Zehai was actually a little uncomfortable, that vicious woman Manana was not qualified to eat the food made by his daughter.

   Good gas.

   "Aunt Ma, eat first to see if it suits your appetite." Qianyan handed one of the food boxes to Manana.

   Everyone in the office showed envious eyes. Originally, they thought Yuan Zehai was not worthy of Ma Nana.

   But Yuan Zehai has taken care of Ma Nana these past few days. Now everyone's daughters have accepted this and brought her meals. Obviously, they are very welcome to this new member of Ma Nana.

   Such a harmonious family atmosphere, who would not envy it?

  Manana has no parents-in-law, although it will be difficult to take care of children in the future.

   But Yuan Zehai had already told everyone before that he would ask someone to help on weekends, and Manana must not be tired.

   For female colleagues who are also women, it would be a lie to say that they are not envious.

   Ma Nana is more than a year older than Yuan Zehai, but this kind of combination is very common in society, and not all men are rich.

   In addition, Yuan Zehai has a good job, his salary is not low, he doesn't spend money, he doesn't smoke or drink, he has savings, and he doesn't have all kinds of messes.

   I thought that Manana was disadvantaged because she was young and beautiful, so she found someone like Yuan Zehai who was one year older than her.

   But once the man is good enough and considerate enough, his age can be ignored.

  The girl is so sensible, she is expected to be able to help with the children in the future.

   In short, now they feel that Manana is too lucky to marry Yuan Zehai.

   (end of this chapter)

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