All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 2367: The honest man's father is an improper pick-up man (15)

   Chapter 2367 Honest Dad Improper Receiver (15)

   "That Man Nana has been employed for more than two months, and she came back from City B. She and an old man in the company had a child with an old man in the company only a month ago, and she is about to get married. It's all too coincidental."

   "In addition, Zheng Changdong, the general manager of the branch, is more caring for Manana. Mr. Xie, you said that a woman who has just entered the company for more than two months is pregnant, which person in charge can smile and send blessings?"

   Song Yanpeng was still a little nervous after saying this, even though Xie Shao was only eighteen years old, but since he worked with Xie Shao and got to know him better, he knew that the other party was really not simple, and he could only say that he was worthy of being from the Xie family.

"Xie Shao, there is one more thing, this old man is my former colleague. He usually has a good relationship, and he is very good. I hope this matter can be found out. If there is really a problem with Manana, he is too wrong. "

   "Okay, I will arrange for someone to investigate this matter." Xie Huailin said.

  Song Yanpeng looked at his face a little, but didn't see anything, it was still as calm as before, as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but sigh, is the water in the Xie family so deep?

   Just waiting for Song Yanpeng to leave, Xie Huailin's face turned cold. He took out his mobile phone and called his two uncles directly.

   As for his mother, she has always been in bad health. Let's talk to her when things are clarified. If there are no such things, she will probably feel distressed because of this, and give Wu Lian some benefits. With her character, I am afraid she will find various reasons to excuse Wu Lian.

   Many years ago, Wu Lian had a lover outside. After being found out by his two uncles, he arranged for someone to tie Wu Lian back. It was his mother who begged for love.

   What's more, she said with guilt on her face that it was all her fault, otherwise she would not have wronged Wu Li'an. This is equivalent to tacitly acknowledging that Wu Li'an can find a lover and slaps his two uncles in the face in front of everyone.

   It's also a good thing she's a **** mother, otherwise he would have ignored her long ago.

   Even now, he doesn't really want to care about her. She clearly knew that Wu Li'an had a woman outside, but she really enjoyed Wu Li'an's gentleness in front of her.


  Fortunately, he had two powerful uncles, so his surname was Xie instead of Wu.

   "Xiao Huai?" Xie Xiao's voice already sounded in his ears, "Why did you call Uncle at this time?"

  Xie Huailin didn't go around the corner: "Uncle, I got the news that the man planned to have an illegitimate child, and even took his lover to the branch in C City, and wanted to pass the road."

   "What?" Xie Xiao shouted, "How dare he? What is he trying to do?"

   "Does your mother know?"

Xie Huailin's face was full of sarcasm: "Does she know, what does it matter? Even if she does, as long as the man uses a gentle offensive in front of her, she will forget everything. She will probably say to her uncle and second uncle that she is to blame. Blame her body, not the man."

   "Uncle will immediately arrange for someone to investigate this matter."

   "This time I can't say anything lightly."

   "Even if your mother is crying and begging."

Xie Huailin was silent for a moment, and said, "Uncle, don't be accustomed to her anymore. You all know who Wu Li'an is. Now that illegitimate children can be secretly produced, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no other ideas. You said, he gave illegitimate children. What do you want to do when you have passed Minglu's identity?"

"I believe this is true because his attitude has changed a lot in the past few months, and he told my mother that only she is good, and the two of them will live happily in the future. I felt discordant before, plus this It's no surprise. Why do you suddenly show loyalty?"

"She's not in good health, and I have only one son. If something happens to me, something happens to her too. In a few years, that man will find an opportunity to take that woman and child by his side. With such a clear identity, you guys Do you doubt anything?"

  Xie Xiao broke out in a cold sweat, no, absolutely no doubt, as long as the intervening time is long enough, the identity of the other party has passed the bright road, they will not think of this.

   "Xiao Huai, uncle will arrange more bodyguards for you, just in case."

   Xie Huailin did not refuse, he just followed Wu Lian's actions to guess. If you give birth to an illegitimate child, you will have an illegitimate child, and you have to pass the identity of Minglu. Obviously, the plot is not small.

   Xie Huailin called his second uncle Xie Xin again, and Xie Xiao's reaction was similar.

See you tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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