Once you violate it, you will be imprisoned and imprisoned. After being imprisoned, he will be deported back to the cultivation world, and he will never be able to return. At least, the country in the east that has signed a contract with the monk will not allow such a monk who has committed a crime to step in.

  These are constraints, and they are also a kind of protection for low-level monks.

   Qianyan doesn't care about where she goes, but now she does plan to go back and close the door, check the situation of this sub-gong method, and see if she can re-cultivation after the cultivation base is abolished.

   "Miss Huo is planning to go home directly and not go anywhere else?" Fang Lian asked.

   Outside the barrier is an ancient city. This ancient city is a transit station for monks, and the people who stay here are also monks.

  In the outside of the ancient city, there is actually a formation that is shrouded in formation, which is invisible to ordinary people. Because of the special formation, ordinary people don't want to come to this place.

   Only when you walk out of the ancient city will you enter the real secular world.

   "I have something to do, I have to go back first." Qianyan said bluntly, "If you still want to stroll here, you can only do it yourself."

  Fang Lian really doesn’t want to go back, but it’s boring to go around alone.

   "I'd better go back. I happened to be driving here. You can take Miss Huo back with you."

   Qianyan didn't refuse, there are few cars around here, and she can't fly with her cultivation.

   Besides, the original owner climbed a wall and put a few things into Fang Lian’s hands, so he didn’t take advantage of his car.

  According to the development of the plot, that is, she is not compatible now, and the other party will appear in a while. There is a free driver, so go for it.

   Seeing Qianyan did not refuse, Fang Lian breathed a sigh of relief.

   For some reason, feeling her indifference, Fang Lian felt an unknown loss, as if she should not be so indifferent.

   He quickly shook his head and threw these strange thoughts away.

  Three hours later, the RV drove into the bustling urban area. Now Qianyan lives in a community with good confidentiality, and the environment and aura are not bad.

   Fang Lian stopped at the gate of her community, and she got out of the car and said goodbye to him.

  Fang Lian felt that Qian Yan was extremely cold today, and he couldn't say anything more. He had never been an uninterested person, and he clearly felt that the other party didn't want to pay attention to him. No matter what you say, it will be annoying.

   I don't know why, Miss Huo is so cold to him today.

   Did he offend her somewhere?

   Fang Lian didn’t quite understand it, so he could only keep this matter in his mind.

   When he got home, before he could sit down, he was stopped by his mother Luo Hui: "A Lian, have you been dating a woman recently?"

   Fang Lian suddenly had a big head and glanced at the young girl next to Luo Hui. This girl was his cousin Luo Xinlan.

   "Xinlan, what did you tell my mother again?"

  Luo Xinlan shrugged indifferently: "Brother, haven't you dated a woman? I still know that woman, what's her name Huo Qianyan."

"Brother, don't forget, the only person who really matches you is Sister Xiaojing. The one named Huo Qianyan is definitely here for your wealth and status." Luo Xinlan looked confident, "Last time I Saw her talking and laughing with a fat boss."

  Fang Lian opened his mouth to explain, it must be Miss Huo helping the boss to solve some special situations, but when it came to the status of a monk, he shut up again.

  The family wanted to arrange a marriage for him, but he never agreed.

   It's just that this is his family, and he can't fall out because of this kind of thing.

  Fang Lian was worrying about household chores here, Qianyan closed the door when she got home, and started to check the exercises.

"Sure enough, when I wanted to abolish my cultivation, the control of the plot became stronger, even stronger than when I destroyed that fragment before." Qian Yan communicated with Huo Yi in the Wishing Space, "But it's all within the emptiness range. Inside."

   "Can fellow Daoists abandon their cultivation at this time?" Huo Yi asked with concern.

   Qianyan replied, "Yes."

   "I'll prepare first to avoid other accidents."

   She wanted to recall whether the original owner had anything important in his hands, and whether he took on any work, so as not to lose his cultivation and make mistakes.

  Fortunately, she considered it comprehensively, and this memory really took two jobs in her hands.

   "Looks like I'll have to finish all these things before I abandon myself."

   She remembered something and asked System 666: "Can I contact H121 in this world?"

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