Now that he heard that the Cheng family intends to recruit her husband, he has no chance at all.

   He had to study hard to see if she regretted it in the future.

  When Qianyan was managing the shop, the Cheng family did not forget to let her see if there was anyone she liked, but of course there was none.

  Cheng's family's cultivation progress is good, Qianyan occasionally sneaks a glance.

   Among them, Gu Yuanbo is the most diligent in his cultivation. He does have some talent in Taoist comprehension.

   That Dao Fa Daquan book can be said to be specially created for him. It contains not only the main exercises, but also other comprehensive contents about Taoism.

   If it is seen by the cultivators in this world, it will be regarded as a treasure, and it is not an exaggeration to worship the person who wrote this Dao Fa Daquan as the patriarch.

   Xue Zongguang, Qianyan doesn't have any attention at present, I heard that the other party is studying hard recently.

   According to her guess, if Xue Zongguang has a problem, it should be after entering Beijing for reference. At that time, she must be staring at Xue Zongguang to see what will happen to him.

  In the life of the original owner, because Xue Zongguang caught up, he really had the ability. He went through the academy exam, the village exam, the general exam, and the palace exam in one breath, and was finally named Tanhua Lang. At that time, he and the original owner were only engaged, but not yet married.

   So even if there is nothing between her and Xue Zongguang, what should happen to him in the capital will still happen.

  Last time, he rejected the Prime Minister's daughter on the pretext of having a fiancée. I don't know if he will agree this time.

   In fact, she was suspecting that the situation of the Cheng family might have been leaked by Xue Zongguang. After all, Xue Zongguang was the only one who went to the entire county to participate in the exam that year.

   He was sponsored by the Cheng family and was also a student of Cheng Heng. When talking to people, he would inevitably mention Cheng Heng, his master.

   It happens that the enemy of the Cheng family is among them, so don't you know the situation of the Cheng family, prepare in advance, and then come to catch the turtle in the urn?

  In the hospital examination, Xu Zongguang won the case as before.

  The entire Xue family was beaming, and as expected, the threshold was almost smashed by the matchmaker. Unfortunately, the Xue family refused because Xue Zongguang was going to prepare for the next township examination.

After    obtained the case, Xue Zongguang specially brought Xie Li to visit Cheng's house.

   On the surface, he thanked Cheng Heng for his generous teaching. In fact, he knew what purpose he had.

  Because Qianyan often goes out to manage the Cheng family's shop, under her influence, the Cheng family also feels that it is nothing to avoid taboos.

   Anyway, the daughter of their Cheng family is not from an ordinary family, so why restrain her. It's not easy for her to survive, it's better to be free.

  The tough attitude of the Cheng family made those gossiping dumbfounded.

  The days when Qianyan was free and in charge of power was actually the envy of many girls.

   Xue Zongguang came to this day, Qianyan sat generously in the living room. Seeing that she didn't avoid him, he even looked at him a little, and he didn't feel the shyness of the younger daughter at all, and he felt uncomfortable.

   Likewise, he couldn't help comforting himself, so ignorant, they didn't turn out to be a good thing.

   Qianyan knew what he was thinking when he saw his appearance, but didn't say much.

   After all, he is an ancient person, and it is difficult to expect the ancient people to think like the Cheng family.

   Especially this kind of pedantic machismo, and some pretentious scholars.

  Xue Zongguang thought he was well-mannered, but he didn't know his careful thoughts. The whole Cheng family could see it clearly.



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