But the prospective father-in-law made this arrangement. He first glanced at the prospective eldest brother, and started to beat him fiercely. After a while, he broke a few floor tiles.

  Cheng Heng touched his chin, very satisfied, good son-in-law.

   Didn't Xue Zongguang want to come and see what his little son-in-law was like?

   is such that martial arts are unparalleled in the world, and Yushu faces the wind. If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a cultivator, there was no need to obtain a title. According to his judgment, he would not be worse than Xue Zongguang.

  Xue Zongguang was really startled when he saw Jiang Chuhuai's action.

After    came back to his senses, Xu Zongguang couldn't help thinking in his heart, he didn't expect that what Miss Cheng San liked was such a vulgar martial artist.

   He didn't know that Cheng Heng had already seen through his heart, and invited him to the study to show him a painting. This painting was actually made by Cheng Heng who knew that Jiang Chuhuai would do this, and asked him to paint it.

   He has long known that outsiders can gossip, and even if he doesn't care about gossip, he doesn't want anyone to misunderstand that his little son-in-law is just a rude person. Since she has talent, of course, she has to show it and show everyone. His young daughter has a good eye for selecting people.

"It's almost done today. Dad should have asked Xue Zongguang to come and see your painting." Cheng Rui said, "We're getting married next month. You can go around the city and see if you want anything else prepare."

  Jiang Chuhuai said: "Okay, big brother."

   "I don't have enough money to ask the steward for it."

  Jiang Chuhuai said quickly, "I have all these."

   Jiang Chuhuai does not deny the fact that his brain is very smart. It is with this brain that he has learned a lot of skills at a young age.

   Especially his paintings sell very well.

   It’s not that his paintings are comparable to those of everyone, but that the things he draws have their own artistic conception and can quickly make people meditate. Even Taoist Xuankun once asked for a few of his paintings to hang in the house, saying that he could fall asleep just by looking at them when he couldn't sleep.

   Now that I think about it, Taoist Xuankun probably knew that this painting was good for cultivation, so he asked for a few.

   By selling paintings, he really saved a lot of money.

   Ever since he knew that he had the fate of the King of Yin, Jiang Chuhuai completely understood why his paintings can clear the mind and make people's soul empty. Because this is the ability of Yin Wangming, just like he can see those ghosts and make them close to him unconsciously.

   Speaking of Xue Zongguang, he left the Cheng family full of complexity.

   Originally thought that Jiang Chuhuai was just a martial artist who knew some martial arts, but after seeing the painting in the master's study, he believed that he would never be able to draw a painting of that kind of artistic conception in his life.

   What's even more amazing is that when he saw the painting, his inner irritability quickly calmed down, and his mind became much clearer.

   He was shocked that someone could draw such a picture, but when he thought of who this person was, his face almost couldn't hold back.

   When he left the Cheng family, he fled a little.

   After returning home, Xue Zongguang started to study hard. Even if the surnamed Jiang is powerful, he is still not reconciled.

   Obviously he's not bad, but the guy surnamed Jiang didn't know where he came from. How could Miss Cheng San identify him at a glance?

   A month later, when Xue Zongguang heard that the Cheng family had a wedding, he was in a trance.

   At this moment, everyone in the county knew that the Cheng family's young son-in-law was capable of both literature and martial arts, and they all praised Miss Cheng San for her good eyesight.

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