To avoid trouble, they all keep their breath well. What's more, there are already three ghost kings in the Cheng family. As long as the domain is expanded, even if Daoist Xuankun comes here, he will not be able to sense anything.

   This is not a good thing. She has to let Daoist Xuankun sense something, so that he can participate in this matter, and then let the Cheng family go to take revenge and dispel the resentment in his heart.

"But why did Zou or kill my Cheng family?" Cheng Jiaoyu couldn't understand, "My Cheng family has never done evil, and there is room for everything. What is the reason for Zou or to hate my Cheng family? Still using such a cruel method? Look at it like this, even if you know that the Cheng family is a ghost, you don't plan to let it go."

Qianyan said: "He should be very scared, and he will definitely not let it go when he knows this. Now the Cheng family seems to be in Liantao County and didn't go to him. But he has a ghost in his heart, and he has done something wrong, so he won't let it go. If the matter is completely resolved, you will be uneasy for the rest of your life.”

   Not sure, the original Cheng family disappeared, and it had something to do with Zou or taking the initiative to showdown. Having found a Taoist priest as powerful as Taoist Xuan Kun, and confirmed that he can deal with the Cheng family who have turned into ghosts, he must not be able to wait with such a villain's temperament.

   As for Zou or why he did it so absolutely, only when the Cheng family broke up with him in the past can we find out.

   But according to Qianyan's understanding of this kind of person, most of the time it was not what the Cheng family did to offend him, but what he himself did to kill him.

   She sees this situation a lot.

   Xue Zongguang and Zou Shuang, the daughter of the prime minister's residence, got married, which was what everyone expected.

  After getting married, Xue Zongguang was ready to return home. This time back, he also plans to bring his parents to the capital together.

   He and Zou Shuang lived in a house arranged by Zou or, and he built a small house by himself to accommodate the Xue family and his wife.

  Zou Shuang herself is very satisfied with this arrangement. It's not that she doesn't want to be filial to her in-laws, but that she doesn't live together, and she can control the whole house at will.

   Now Xue Zongguang is the son-in-law of Zou Or, so the purchase of the small house was very smooth and the price was very favorable.

  If the one who married him was not the prime minister's daughter, Xue Zongguang really wanted to bring her back with her, but Zou Shuang was the prime minister's daughter, and she was so delicate that she would definitely not be able to endure the long journey. Besides, making such a request might leave a bad impression on my father-in-law.

   The fact that he married the prime minister's daughter alone is enough face to pass back, so it doesn't matter if Zou Shuang doesn't go back.

   In this way, Xue Zongguang returned to his hometown with a beautiful scenery.

   At this time, Taoist Xuankun, who received the letter from Zou or, had a look of joy on his face. It was obvious that a big family should be dead, but they still lived in the house as they used to live, and no one around them noticed anything unusual.

   shows that the ghosts in this house are all good. If they can be caught and driven for him, they will be able to calm down the anger in my heart a little.

   In all his calculations recently, he couldn't find where that kid Jiang Chuhuai was, and his stomach was full of anger.

   Now is just right, if he can conquer a large family of ghosts and be driven by him, he can arrange them out to find someone.

   Daoist Xuankun glanced at the information of the family that Zou or left behind, meaning to let him check the situation first.

  Liantao County Chengjia.

  Cheng Heng is now in charge of the house, and he also opened an academy.



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