Cheng's family knew that Xue Zongguang would come back, but they didn't know when he would come back.

Because Xue Zongguang left them with a bad impression in the past, except for Cheng Heng, the master, who would inquire more about Xue Zongguang, everyone else was busy cultivating, looking forward to becoming a ghost king and cultivating out of the realm, how could it be possible to waste time on On Xue Zongguang, who has no communication with them?

   As for Qianyan, I recently took Jiang Chuhuai out to study his newly cultivated field together.

   After a lot of hard work, Jiang Chuhuai can now show his realm without going out of the body.

   After that, Qianyan told him about her previous experience of cultivating in the field of Meng Po, and combined with the situation in the field of Cheng's family, she helped Jiang Chuhuai to expand her field.

   Cheng's family's domain is increased with the frequency of use and cultivation. At the beginning, she relied on her own spirit and cultivation to improve the range of Meng Po's domain.

  Jiang Chuhuai is the life of the Yin King of this world, and he has the task of separating the Yin realm. Obviously, there must be other ways to expand the realm besides improving his cultivation. Otherwise, in such a big world, you still don’t know when you will cultivate.

  Jiang Chuhuai gained all kinds of experience, and after fiddling around for a while, he did expand the scope of his field a bit, and he also noticed that his field was indeed different from that of the Cheng family. It's just that this expansion speed, he thinks, is still a bit slow. According to the current speed, it is estimated that it is impossible to cover the entire world for thousands of years, and this is still the case when everything is going well.

   When Xue Zongguang passed by Cheng's house on a horse, Qianyan was still thinking on the hillside. She also relaxed a little bit at the Cheng family's side, and immediately sensed Xue Zongguang's incomparably proud appearance.

   When he got to Cheng's house, Xue Zongguang unconsciously slowed down. Not knowing what he thought of, he said to the people around him, "I, Xue Zongguang, are today thanks to Master Cheng. It stands to reason that I should go home to see my parents first today, but Master Cheng is so kind to me as a mountain. Master Cheng, Xue Zongguang would not be what he is today. I think my parents agreed with both hands when they knew that I had to meet Master Cheng first."

   This is what it should be, what is Xue Zongguang's status now? The people present were all laughing and cheering, repeatedly saying yes, and saying all kinds of good things.

   At this point, Xue Zongguang dismounted and knocked on the door, without posing, as if he was still as humble as before, and everyone nodded. Remembering that this is the Cheng family, many people began to whisper, whispering about Miss Cheng San's selection of her husband a few years ago.

  In the past, they thought that Miss Cheng San had a good eye for picking her husband, but when they talk about it now, they naturally think that she has a bad eye. If she had picked Xue Zongguang, she would now be Mrs. When Xue Zongguang's holiday is over, he will be able to follow him to the capital to enjoy a prosperous and rich life and become a real official wife.

  Those people were talking in a low voice. Even if Xue Zongguang couldn't hear them, he knew the temperament of these people. He did so, and they would definitely think of the Cheng family.

  From today onwards, people in Liantao County are talking about Miss Cheng Jiasan, and they are no longer praising her for picking her husband-in-law. In the past, they wouldn't say anything about him Xue Zongguang, but didn't that mean that Xue Zongguang couldn't compare to Jiang Chuhuai?

   Now, Jiang Chuhuai is white, and it is impossible to compare to him.

  People in Liantao County would only say it was a pity, if Miss Cheng San had chosen him Xue Zongguang, she would have been the wife of the official family.



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