turned out to be her.

   Mr. Cheng!

  Xue Zongguang sorted out all his memories, finally grasped the key, and understood where the difference started.

   The difference between this life and the previous life is that in the previous life, Mr. Cheng was very satisfied with him, but Mr. Cheng did not like him in this life.

   Cheng's family certainly couldn't force her to go against her wishes. Cheng's family said that if he didn't like him, they couldn't do it.

  Xue Zongguang felt a little uncomfortable. Cheng Shi was his wife after all, but now he is married to someone else, which gave him a green feeling on the top of his head.

   It's just that he has a new life at this time, and he needs to figure out what to do next, and he can't take care of Cheng's side for the time being.

   All developments have turned a corner, and he didn't accidentally know Zou or's secret. Since he doesn't know, he plans to "don't know" all his life.

  Zou or that person is ruthless, if he knows the secret, he will definitely find a way to kill him later. Speaking of which, he chose to let Cheng Shi die at first, but it was also mentioned by Zou Or from time to time.

   On the face of it, he didn't tell him to do anything, but that meant to let him deal with the Cheng family as soon as possible to avoid disaster.

   Speaking of which, Cheng is too persistent. If she was obedient, less persistent, gave up looking for the Cheng family, and didn't inquire about the crazy beggar, she would not have ended up like this.

   He still liked the Cheng family very much at first. If so many things happened, and there was a powerful Zou Or on his head, he would not want Cheng's life.

   After all, he never participated in the incidents with the ghosts in the Cheng family. It was Zou or someone who did it.

   The only thing he participated in was that he accidentally disclosed the news of the Cheng family to Zou Or, so that Zou Or knew that the Cheng family who had been killed by him appeared in front of people as if they were alive.

   But even if he didn't disclose it, the Cheng family's **** vendetta against Zou Or would find him sooner or later, and the result would be basically the same.

   This life is much better.

   He "doesn't know" Zou Or's secret, and he also married Zou Shuang, who has never been married before. So far, they get along well. In fact, Zou Shuang's temperament is not bad, the only disadvantage is that he listens too much to Zou Or's words. Between her husband and her father, Zou Shuang finally chose her father.

  Xue Zongguang began to think about the pros and cons. He had just returned before, and he thought he was just going back to the past, and things were still the same.

   That's why I thought of revenge, killing the **** Zou Shuang, and Zou or that vicious villain.

   Now everything is different, why does he have to confront Zou or?

   As long as he has no conflict with Zou Or, is a good son-in-law and doesn't seek Zou Or's secrets, he must be eating and drinking with Zou Or. As for Zou Shuang, as long as he respects her enough, he can take two concubines and she can arrange it properly without passing her. Of course, these things will take a few years to talk about.

  Xue Zongguang always felt that he had overlooked something, he frowned and thought carefully, and his expression suddenly came to an end.

   That's right, it's Cheng's.

   Why didn't Mr. Cheng like him in his life?

  I also hurriedly selected a man who I don’t know where he came from. He has a little bit of martial arts and painting and calligraphy. He does have some spiritual energy, but he has no reputation or even thoughts in that regard.

   To pick someone so eagerly to recruit a Cheng family is very unlike the Cheng family he once knew.

   They have been together for so many years, but they can still feel that Cheng was pleased with him at first.



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