"If you find him, you will know the situation of the Cheng family. Zou probably won't let me go, and he won't let you go. I told you to avoid him, that's saving you."

   Although, he poisoned her later.

   But he can't do anything, he already knows some things, and there is Zou or beside him, if he doesn't do it, Zou will deal with him.

   Cheng Jiaoyu's heart froze when she heard Xue Zongguang's confession. The beggar was indeed the second brother-in-law, and tears rolled from the corner of her eyes.

   All because she was too ignorant, too reliant on trusting Xue Zongguang, and missed the only chance to find out the truth.

   Second brother-in-law, alone, to be tossed like this, how painful it must be. The second sister is the one who loves him the most, how uncomfortable it would be if she knew the truth.

   Fortunately, she has the opportunity to change everything.

  Xue Zongguang was restless all night, he couldn't wake up, he woke up at dawn, and his head was groggy.

   realized that it was a dream, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

   Mr. Cheng should not know about this, or else he would have come to seek revenge for him long ago.

  To have this kind of dream is because too many things have happened recently, nothing, nothing.

   Even if he had this dream, Xue Zongguang still did not give up poisoning Zou Shuang.

  Zou Shuang noticed that Xue Zongguang was a little strange recently. She had no love in the past. She only felt cold, so she kept an extra heart.

  Cheng Jiaoyu stayed at Xue's house, watching the two couples fight each other.

   One medicine, one defense. Zou Shuang is a pregnant woman. Because of what happened recently, she has to guard against Xue Zongguang, and she is afraid that she will have a miscarriage.

   Xue Zongguang also noticed that Zou Shuang was very smart, and it was not so easy to prescribe medicine. Taking advantage of this time, he changed the coldness of the past, became considerate to Zou Shuang, and found a chance to prescribe Zou Shuang.

  Cheng Jiaoyu planned to wait until the battle between the two couples ended before attacking Xue Zongguang.

   She never expected that in the end it would be such a result.

   She stood in the room, looking at the two people who were all exhausted, laughed a little. It can only be said that Zou Shuang deserves to be Zou Shuang and Zou Or's daughter. She stayed here all day and didn't notice how Zou Shuang drugged Xue Zongguang.

  Xue Zongguang covered his heart and looked at Zou Shuang with hatred: "Bitch, poisonous woman!"

   He never thought that he was finally reborn, and finally died at the hands of Zou Shuang. Was this poisonous woman born to defeat him?

Zou Shuang lay there with a smile on his pale face: "Husband, I want to have a good life with you, but although you and I have different dreams in the same bed, you still want my life. I don't know what you did, since you have With this doubt, I can't sit still."

   Xue Zongguang shouted unwillingly: "I attacked you, that's because you poisoned me in your last life, Zou or all died, I just want revenge."

   Although, that's only a small part of the reason.

Zou Shuang said: "Husband, I can't help it. In my last life, my father threatened to marry you with my child and poisoned you. That child is my lifeblood. One is my child, and the other is a stranger who is about to become husband. Of course I It's choosing children."

"When I came back that day, I noticed that you came back too. I wanted to have a good life with you, but I also knew that you would never let me go. After all, I poisoned you, and you also poisoned your first wife. I am Zou. Even if Shuang dies, she doesn't want to die in vain. Anyway, there is nothing to live for in this life, so let's die together."

   "Mad, you are a lunatic."

  Xue Zongguang struggled, Cheng Jiaoyu suddenly appeared and startled him: "Mr. Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

Why did    suddenly appear?

  Zou Shuang smiled and said, "She's back too." She smiled deeper, "So many changes are because of you."

  Xue Zongguang frantically shook his head: "Impossible, how could the Cheng family have such skills."

  Cheng Jiaoyu said: "I don't have one, but I can ask for a helper. You have seen that helper."

  Xue Zongguang looked at Cheng Jiaoyu in front of him, recalling the Cheng family he had seen in the past, as if he understood something.

   "Cheng's name is Cheng Jiaoyu!"

  Cheng Jiaoyu nodded: "Yes."

   After she said that, she took out a medicine bottle and saw that Xue Zongguang was going to die. It would be difficult to untie her heart if she didn't poison it herself.

"what are you going to do?"

  Zou Shuang said with a smile: "Give the medicine, husband, she is going to feed you poison, and she will die anyway. It won't affect anything if you take one more bite, so just eat it."


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