All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3077: What to do if there is an infatuated male partner at home (24)

   Chapter 3077 What to do if there is an infatuated male partner at home (24)

   Before reuniting, Shen Yunhuai said that he knew the second young master of the Jiang family and knew so much gossip, so she had to suspect that it was strange.

   So he probed the soul and was completely certain.

   A week later.

   Qianyan and Sheng Jingyan returned to China. According to Shen Yunhuai, Jiang Congjing was also ready to go back immediately.

   Yingtang originally planned to rest for two days after returning to China, and then resign.

  I didn't expect that Jiang Congjing couldn't wait for the slightest bit. As soon as he returned to China, he expressed his thoughts and ended the relationship between them. She left the company immediately and would give her some compensation.

   In addition, I hope she can keep this relationship secret, and can't make any premise in front of Ruan Qing.

   Let her get those compensations and leave the city as soon as possible.

   Yingtang agreed, but she asked for more compensation. Staying by Jiang Congjing's side, she has created a lot of value over the years. Since the other party has done such an amazing job, she is sad in her heart, but she is not a fool.

  Jiang Congjing agreed, and of course he couldn't help but sneer: "I didn't expect you to be such a person. You look like Ruan Qing, but you are not Ruan Qing after all."

  Yingtang sneered: "I didn't expect President Jiang to want to prostitute my people and value for free. After being by your side for so many years, what if I paid so much and got some compensation? This is the result of my labor."

  Jiang Congjing was really angry, and he still gave those things to Yingtang, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

   Yingtang received compensation, so he packed up that day and prepared to live in another place, so as to develop his career well.

   While packing her things, she received a message from the Second Young Master of the Jiang family. Seeing such a long message, she was really stunned.

After reading   , she was moved.

  Although Er Shao doesn't like to talk, the conditions he offered were much more generous than Jiang Congjing, and the other party affirmed her value. There is also the idea proposed by Er Shao, and she feels that it can be achieved.

   The most important thing is that Er Shao does not treat her as a subordinate, but wants to cooperate with her. That is to say, she is not helping others to work, but starting a company with others and being her own boss.

  Because of this accident, Ying Tang didn't leave immediately, and stayed in the rental house to communicate with Shen Yunhuai.

  Shen Yunhuai means that he will not follow him to the new city, Yingtang will take care of the outside world, and he will take care of the rest.

  Yingtang heard that Shen Yunhuai, who is Shen Yunhuai, who is familiar with the second young master, will also participate in the cooperation, and immediately became more excited, and now he is completely stable.

   After the discussion, Shen Yunhuai and Ying Tang, who were dressed in Jiang Congrui's skin, also met with Shen Yunhuai himself, and the cooperation was completely negotiated.

   Qianyan came along this day, she also wanted to see the scene where the two prime ministers were playing by themselves, and she also invested money in it.

   is here, so of course I want to participate.

   Corresponding to Tang, she doesn't hate her, even the original owner doesn't hate it.

After   , Yingtang went to an unfamiliar city, far away from Jiang Congjing and far away from the city where Sheng's family was located.

   And in that city, the Shen family has a branch there, which is more conducive to cooperation.

  Shen Yunhuai, who is wearing Jiang Congrui's skin, is still in the Jiang family, but since returning to China, he no longer participates in anything in the Jiang family, including the core technology he was responsible for.

  The question is, after the person was kidnapped that day, he was thrown into the sea and was frightened, so he couldn't do these things.

In the middle of the night, Shen Yunhuai, who stayed at Jiang's house, sent a message to Qianyan: [Jiang Congjing just used his younger brother as a tool. He showed up at the banquet that day and led the woman to talk to people the whole time, and he didn't care about him at all. Is there anything wrong with my brother? 】

  Shen Yunhuai: [Even after the incident, he was just a little fortunate, not even a single apology. Jiang Congrui is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very smart, but he can't express it. 】

  Shen Yunhuai: [This incident was originally caused by Jiang Congjing, but he didn't blame himself at all. Possessing all the credit and halo of Jiang Congrui, and also caused people to be thrown into the sea. 】

   If he hadn't suddenly taken over this body, he would have been dead.

   He didn't know whether Jiang Congrui would be able to come back. Since he can occupy this status, of course, he must satisfy what the other party wants to do and get rid of the Jiang family completely.

  Qianyan asked: [The Jiang family has persecuted you? 】

   (end of this chapter)

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