Chapter 3204 Changzhang Princess (22)

   Honglu got the poison, waited for ten days, and finally got her chance.

  On this day, Suxiang had something to go out, Yishui and Yingyue were also assigned tasks, only Honglu was left without notification, and could enter and leave the hall at will.

  At that time, Qianyan’s tea was gone, and the maid who served the tea saw it and hurried to refill it.

  When the court lady brought the tea, Hong Lu found an excuse to bring it in her hand, and sent it to Qianyan to the hall.

  She is a court lady, she never does these things, and she doesn't know that according to the rules, the court ladies who serve tea will not hand over the tea to anyone in the middle, not even Suxiang, whom Qianyan trusts the most.

  She focused on Qianyan here, and she was responsible for reporting the news, and rarely noticed the rules of other places in Yunsi Palace. Because the Yunsi Palace has a clear division of labor, each has its own responsibilities, and they are not in charge of that area, so it is difficult to know the details.

   Speaking of Feng Lanjun's life, it was not Honglu who was poisoned.

   It was Feng Rong, who controlled the power, and Du Jingwan, who controlled the entire harem, helped, so the people around Feng Lanjun didn't need to do the poisoning.

  As long as she moves her hands and feet a little while eating, and she doesn't take special precautions, poisoning is inevitable. When she was poisoned, she also knew who did it.

   If you want to talk about what you think in your heart, the first thing you think about is that Feng Rong has grown up and has his own ideas. Second, I still feel a little lost in my heart. How can there be any family affection in this royal family. After all, she is the eldest princess who has controlled the government and the public for many years. Even if she is no longer in power now, it is normal for Feng Rong to be afraid of her. This is a common problem of being an emperor. The third thought is that I hope Feng Rong can be a good emperor.

  She doesn't live long. Although there are still many things to do, since Feng Rong is so eager to become an emperor, in order to be a wise emperor through the ages, she should work hard to do those things.

  Unexpectedly, she looked up to Feng Rong.

  The smartness of the other party is just because of the experience gained from reliving the first life.

  In fact, this person is a little clever. He is not only stupid but also narrow-minded when it comes to major issues. He is a very incapable person.

   "Your Highness, the tea is here. Also, the brochure Your Highness needs has been brought." Hong Lu put the tea and the brochure beside the table and stepped back.

   She didn't mean to wait at all, as if she just happened to meet the maid serving the tea, and brought it over by herself.

  Hong Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to retreat when she heard Qian Yan's voice: "Wait a minute."

  Hong Lu was startled, but she still stopped at the same spot, slightly lowering her head: "What orders does Your Highness have?"

   Qianyan glanced at Honglu, and said, "Where's the bamboo leaves?"

  Zhuye is the maid in the tea room of Yunsi Palace, who serves tea specially for Qianyan.

  It is so easy for Honglu to bring tea today, it is naturally not Zhuye's dereliction of duty, it is Qianyan's order, otherwise how could Zhuye be so courageous. If something happens when the tea is handed over to someone else, isn't it her fault?

   "Returning to Your Highness, the servants met the bamboo leaves earlier, just as the servants were about to deliver the brochures, so they brought tea together."

  Hong Lu thought it was okay to answer like this, and she really wanted to investigate, but she just wanted to show off.

  Besides, as long as His Highness drinks that cup of tea later, no one will pursue these matters any more.

"is that so?"

   "Yes, Your Highness." Hong Lu was inexplicably nervous, she just brought a cup of tea, His Highness shouldn't suspect anything, right?

  She didn't urge His Highness to drink tea, probably because His Highness felt that Zhuye didn't come, so he asked a few more questions.

  (end of this chapter)

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