Chapter 3210 Changzhang Princess (28)

  The courtiers who came to ask Feng Rong to go to court were all dumbfounded.

   Someone took a deep breath and stood up very excitedly, and was about to rush to bump his head, but was interrupted by Qianyan's words.

   "Master Li, why are you so unwilling to take care of the emperor? As soon as you heard that you were going to serve the emperor, you would hit your head and seek death. I don't know what you mean?"

  As soon as Qianyan said this, the lord surnamed Li stopped, and fell to the ground due to inertia, but he never dared to hit his head again.

  If it was to make the emperor bump his head, he could still win a good name.

  Now, for the reason of Changzun Changzhu, if he crashes to death again, it will stigmatize both himself and the Li family.

   "Shouldn't you hurry up and send the adults to Xingqing Palace? With the careful care of the adults, I believe that the emperor will recover quickly." Qian Yan waved his hand, and someone came to **** all these people to Xingqing Palace.

  Feng Rong saw a familiar person appearing in front of him, but his eyes were dark again, and he almost fell headfirst.

  He was stunned, this was the foundation of his court, so he was sent to Xingqing Palace by Feng Qianyan.

  These idiots clearly know that Feng Qianyan is not as easy to provoke as before, and now she is more powerful, so why don't they discuss it with him and act alone?

   Now it’s all right, everyone is with him in Xingqing Palace, he basically has no power in the court.

  These people are outside, he has a better chance, he can always do something, no matter how bad he is, he can cause Feng Qianyan some trouble.

   These ministers were also very annoyed. They knew that the eldest princess was very powerful, but they didn't expect her to play cards so unreasonably.

  Obviously they were all prepared to die outside Yunsi Palace, but she resolved the situation with a few words.

  Because of her words, they can't die yet, and they will bear a stigma after they die, which is really annoying.

  Qianyan still didn't deliberately block the news about the matter of Yunsi Palace, and let it spread.

  Compared to the previous two years, now the neutral party among the courtiers is more Buddhist in their approach to Qianyan.

  Anyway, it’s fine if she doesn’t call herself emperor.

   Having said that, these people are out of their minds. They know that she is not so easy to provoke, and they are not people who care too much about her reputation. It is useless to use this method, okay?

   She dared to bang her head and threaten, don't you know that she is not afraid of threats at all?

  If she was afraid of any threats, she would not be sitting in that seat safe and sound today.

  By the way, they should consider the positions vacated by the dozen or so people.

  Those people don’t go to court, and I don’t know how His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess will arrange things in their official positions?

  The eldest princess has always been fair in this regard, whoever has the ability will win, even if they are neutral, they will not treat them badly.

  They must tell the people under their hands to hurry up and work hard to grab the position.

  The next day, Qianyan went to court and said that some new official positions would be established.

"Lord Li and a dozen other adults are deeply attached to the emperor, and decided to stay in Xingqing Palace to serve the emperor until he recovered from his illness. This palace has decided to retain their official positions, but once they leave, there are still many things under their hands. People should do it. Therefore, this Palace intends to temporarily set up some official positions to be responsible for these matters until Master Li and others return."

  Regression will definitely not return.

  As long as they don't return, this temporary official position will be permanent.

  Qianyan was thinking about this, and the courtiers below were also secretly thinking about this.

   They even thought a little badly, if a few more loyal ones went to Xingqing Palace, the eldest princess would be able to set up a few more official positions.

  Those people don’t want to do it, but some people do it.

  Qianyan noticed the secret thoughts of these people below, and didn't care.

   Do things well and don't bother her, everything is easy to talk about.

  (end of this chapter)

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