Chapter 3237 Changzhang Princess (55)

  Because of the rumor that Qianyan would not live to be thirty, not only the people in the harem were panicked, but even the court, there were all kinds of small-minded people.

  She didn't say much about it, she went to court when she was supposed to, and it was no different from before.

  If there are people playing tricks on the bottom, let them play tricks.

  Nowadays, there are a lot of talents in the Great Chu. If the incompetent people can't sit still, they will go down and replace them with capable people.

   Once this matter is over, she should start another plan. She doesn't want the things she has spent so much effort to arrange to be overthrown after she leaves.

  As long as she perfects things step by step, lays a solid foundation, pulls everyone into the water, and has countless interests, no one is willing to let these things go.

   It is not enough for Da Chu to only have one Princess Changzun.

  The confidantes who followed Qianyan all came into the palace to visit. They knew Qianyan's temperament, so they didn't go around the bush, and directly asked what was going on with the rumor, wanting to get a bottom line. If it is true, His Highness must make some preparations. It would be more interesting if it was fake.

   Facing his confidants, Qianyan did not hide anything, and said, "Ah Rong's illness is getting worse, and now there are signs of madness, and I am afraid that he will not be able to leave Xingqing Palace for the rest of his life."

  Although they didn't say it directly, all of them were human beings, and they instantly understood what was going on.

  In fact, they had long thought that His Highness would not be able to let Feng Rong out, and locked them in. How could it be so easy to get out.

  If that Feng Rong is capable, he may still be missed by others, but compared with His Highness, Feng Rong is not even worthy of carrying shoes, who expects him to come out.

   Probably only those who are stuck in the current official promotion system and cannot make an inch of progress all their lives would want Feng Rong to come out.

  Getting the letter from Qianyan, everyone was at ease, but when they walked out of Yunsi Palace, all of them looked sour, as if their father had died.

  Liu Yihuai, who came back from the martial arts training ground, happened to meet these ministers. When the ministers saw him, they immediately bowed their hands and saluted: "My son-in-law."

   "Hello, my lords." Liu Yihuai was not very familiar with these ministers, and they couldn't talk well. They usually just greeted each other when they saw each other.

  The ministers were a little in awe of Liu Yihuai, after all, they had seen with their own eyes how terrifying Liu Yihuai's skills were.

   Some of the boys in the minister's family were beaten by Liu Yihuai, and they felt so painful just listening to them.

  Besides, this is a person His Highness recognizes, and he cannot be offended.

  They had a good impression of Liu Yihuai. Even if they became son-in-law, they were not blinded by the glory and wealth, and they did what they did before. As far as they know, it's not that no one has sent various ideas to Liu Yihuai.

  Liu Yihuai is not in the palace every day, but occasionally goes out. While he was leaving the palace, someone went up to try to win him over.

  In this capital, attracting people is nothing more than money and sex.

  In order to win over Liu Yihuai and send money to beauties, Liu Yihuai took everything and everyone.

   Without waiting for those people to be happy, he stabbed the matter in front of His Highness with a backhand. It is said that the purpose of collecting things and people is to get evidence.

   And those people were all sent to the desert to plant trees by His Highness, which is worse than opening up wasteland and farming land. It will take ten years to come back after going there.

   When the ministers thought of this, they felt that the sun outside was not very warm.

  Anyway, after these things happened, everyone understood that Liu Yihuai, the son-in-law, like His Highness, should not be messed with.

  (end of this chapter)

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