Chapter 3251 The Princess Changzun (69)

   "In order to learn martial arts, Feng Jing has behaved well in the academy now, and she took the initiative to read books every day. Not long ago, Mr. Liang thanked me. Finally, someone can cure Feng Jing."

  Qianyan couldn't help asking: "This little girl's name is Feng Jing?"

   "That's what His Highness thought. She has been very noisy since she was born. Mr. Liang gave her a name of Jing when she was full moon." Liu Yihuai knew what she meant when he heard what Qian Yan said, so he explained.

   "Does that have words?"

"Not yet, she said she would choose it herself." Liu Yihuai said with a smile, "She is not satisfied with her name, and she thinks that Mr. Liang's words will not satisfy her. Mr. Liang even laughed at her because of this, saying She didn't read two books, and she still wanted to write a word for herself, which made her annoyed for a while, and vowed to find a word that best suited her heart and convinced Mr. Liang."

  Qianyan felt that the two father and daughter really had some meaning: "So, you think Feng Liang is a good person?"

   "It's not bad." Liu Yihuai said, "Feng Rong must have some other purpose in sending him the letter."

  Even if she hasn't read the information, Qianyan is basically sure of her guess.

  Fengliang might be the one Feng Lanjun should have chosen, but he was cut off by the reborn Feng Rong.

  Based on the current evaluations, if there is no Fengrong, the development of this world should not be bad.

  Maybe Fengliang is not a person with particularly good qualifications, but he is definitely a person with good acceptance and advanced thinking. If he really took over all of Feng Lanjun's arrangements, he would definitely follow through.

  From the fact that he is the king of the county, he is still willing to be a teacher in a women's college, and one of the reasons is to urge his daughter to study. It can be seen that he is different from some people who look down on women in Dachu.

  Qianyan didn't ask any more questions and continued to look through the information.

  The people under her command are still capable, even the matter of Fengliang's legs and feet has been investigated thoroughly.

   There is no surprise at all, it was done by Feng Rong.

  After being treated by the imperial physician, Fengliang's legs and feet have almost recovered. As long as he doesn't jump, he can walk without any problem. According to what the imperial doctor said, after another year or so of recovery, it doesn't matter to do other strenuous activities.

   Feng Rong couldn't receive any news from outside, so naturally he didn't know about it.

   "It looks like it does." Qianyan put down all the information, and his subordinate, Cha Fengliang, naturally not only checked him, but also checked him up and down.

  Feng Lanjun also sighed: "If it is him, it will definitely not be bad."

   Sometimes it is not necessary to have a particularly talented person to defend the country. Feng Liang's temperament is very suitable for what she once told Feng Rong to do.

"It's a pity that Feng Jing only loves to practice martial arts." Feng Lanjun said regretfully, and then she thought of something, and she said, "Don't worry, adults have a long life span, and you can find people slowly. Now adults are still young, so choose to train a few Ten years, I am afraid that I can't bear it."

   Qianyan actually meant the same thing. Now that she has already started, she can't stop halfway. She will be the regent princess for many years. It is not a good thing to choose someone at this time.

   Not long after, Qianyan summoned Fengliang.

  She handed Feng Rong's letter to him. Feng Liang was a little puzzled after reading the letter, because he didn't know Feng Rong well.

   "I know." Qianyan reminded, "He probably wanted to harm you. According to the information found by the people in this palace, he was the one who broke your leg."

  Fengliang is a little unbelievable, even doesn't understand, why?

  Why Qianyan didn’t explain why, and gave him the information obtained from the investigation.

   "Your Highness, I want to see him."

  Qianyan naturally agreed, she glanced at Feng Liang's legs, and walked to see Feng Rong, it was fine.

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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