Chapter 3270 The tenants are not human (11)

   What Pei Xingming thought in his heart was that after the other people in the villa suffered, they would discuss how to solve it.

  But he didn't know, even if he went out to say something, he couldn't say it, what Qianyan said to him was all hints.

  Pei Xingming tidied up, and Qianyan signaled him to go out.

  Recalling what happened when he knocked on the door yesterday, he felt that his body was about to fall apart, so he tentatively held the doorknob. This time, with a slight turn, the door opened.

  Looking at the scenery outside, Pei Xingming felt reborn.

  At this moment, he had another thought, why did he wait here, why didn't he run to another place while Ruan Qianyan was leaving the villa?

  Suddenly, the opposite door opened, and Pei Xingchun's figure appeared at the door, and he happened to meet Pei Xingming.

  Pei Xingchun looked behind him, obviously looking for Qianyan.

  Pei Xingming was a little silent. Although this was his biological brother, they were often not very harmonious. He knew what that look in Pei Xingchun's eyes meant, and now he felt a little gloating in his heart.

  Thinking that his biological brother will be forced by Ruan Qianyan next week and have to return to his body to play with the cat teaser, his heart is actually secretly refreshed.

   "Xingming, where's the person?" Pei Xingchun frowned slightly, "She's just an ordinary human being, did you attack her?"

  Pei Xingming's heart trembled.

  Ordinary humans?

   Shoot her?

  He thought of many ways, intending to frighten and frighten this human woman who dared to slap him.

   It's just that before he could do anything, he was cleaned up by the other party first.

   "What did you do to her?" Thinking that the human being was likely to be tossed to death, Pei Xingchun looked sour. "It's not easy to meet such a human being. Don't you have sense in this kind of thing?"

   "Brother, it's okay, she will come out soon." Pei Xingming stopped Pei Xingchun who was about to enter the room, "It takes a lot of time for a girl to dress up, don't you know this?"

   "Are you all right?"

   Received repeated affirmation from Pei Xingming, Pei Xingchun breathed a sigh of relief: "I won't do anything to you. If you really torment people, others will show no mercy to you."

  Pei Xingming felt sad, it wasn't that other people were showing mercy to him now, but that Ruan Qianyan was simply an existence that could not be offended.

  He decided to run first, starting this morning.

   "I have something to go out." Pei Xingming left this sentence and went out.

  He has always had such a hot-tempered personality. Pei Xingchun didn't ask any more questions. His attention was already attracted by the person who came out of the opposite door. He was finally relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with seeing someone.

  Qianyan faced Pei Xingchun's sizing up, but didn't look away.

  Pei Xingchun greeted: "Xingming didn't do anything to you, did he?"

  Qianyan shook her head: "No."

  Pei Xingchun was surprised. According to his understanding of this cheap brother, the other party lost so much face yesterday, and he had to teach this human woman a lesson. He didn't expect her to be in a good state of mind.

  So, his cheap brother really didn't play tricks on her.

   It's really strange, when did you learn to be sympathetic?

  Ruan Qianyan is very beautiful, but those people in the past were also very good-looking, and I have never seen his cheap brother who is gentle.

   "It's the same sentence, if you feel scared, you can come to me. As long as you come to my place and stay, no one will dare to do anything to you." Pei Xingchun said.

  (end of this chapter)

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