Chapter 3300 The tenants are not human (41)

   Qianyan left the villa, except for the ghost king Shangxi who went out with her to go to work, the rest were tortured by Qianyan, and Xu Heng called them to ask about the situation.

  Xu Heng also found out that with Luan Qinglin and Qin Gui, he couldn't say anything. Facing those who were tortured by Qianyan, he could tell.

  The more so, the more afraid he is of Qianyan.

   Originally, he had some luck, but now he has no rules at all.

  Everyone fell silent and stayed silent in Xu Heng's room, looking at Xu Heng frequently.

  They wanted to ask what happened to Xu Heng last night, but Xu Heng was much stronger than them, and it was obvious that the other party was not in a good mood, so it is better not to get into trouble at this time.

  From Xu Heng's attitude, it can actually be seen that the other party had a hard time last night.

  Thinking of this, everyone's hearts sank.

  Xu Heng is their hope. If Xu Heng can't do it, who else can? Luan Qinglin's and Qin Gui's strengths were basically the same as theirs, and they couldn't deal with Ruan Qianyan.

   "Brother Xu, is there any way to deal with Ruan Qianyan?" It was Pei Xingchun who asked.

  Xu Heng raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Xingchun, resting his hands on his forehead and continued to remain silent. Seeing him like this, Pei Xingchun didn't dare to ask a second time.

   At this moment, Xu Heng sensed that someone was coming outside the villa, and they dispersed from the room.

  The person who came was still Shi An, Xu Heng frowned when he saw him, originally wanted to ask about Ruan Qianyan, only to find that he was restricted and couldn't ask, so he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

  He asked coldly: "What's the matter here today?"

   "My lord, didn't you succeed in borrowing money for me before? But since last night, various accidents and losses have occurred in the projects under my name, which are much more violent than last time."

  Xu Heng's face turned blue when he heard that, originally he didn't dare to be angry with Ruan Qianyan, so he decided to find a place to vent his anger.

  Since there is someone who has repeatedly broken his affairs, then go and meet this person to see if the other party has three heads and six arms, and dares to break his restriction.

"Understood, you do this for the time being, wait for me to catch the person behind, and then I will deal with the financial luck for you. You will lose money during this period. When you have financial luck, you can earn everything back." Xu Heng finished speaking , I waved my hand impatiently.

  Shi An is a wink, and he sensed that Xu Heng was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to stay here any longer.

  Since the other party agreed, then he went back and waited.

  My lord promised, it will definitely be done.

  After Shi An left, Xu Heng said to everyone: "I'll go and deal with this matter, and see who dares to do bad things."

   Ruan Qianyan couldn't deal with him, so couldn't he also deal with ordinary celestial masters?

   No need to guess, it must be a celestial master who is tired of work.

   "Brother Xu, I want to follow along." Pei Xingming said, "I've been very irritable lately, and I just want to use this to vent my anger and teach that short-sighted celestial master a lesson."

  Xu Heng saw that the other people had similar eyesight, so he still agreed.

  He can especially understand the feelings of these people. If it weren't for Ruan Qianyan's suppression, now he would like to destroy this place.

  Using Xu Heng's method, after finding the family who directly borrowed the shipment, he quickly found out that Xie Yanhuai helped break the restriction.

  In that house, there is still the breath left by Xie Yanhuai.

  Xu Heng and the others followed Xie Yanhuai's breath, and when they arrived at a restaurant, they fell silent when they saw two people sitting there eating.

  Because, sitting opposite Xie Yanhuai was Ruan Qianyan.

   It can be changed early this morning, you can come and squat



  (end of this chapter)

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