Chapter 3318 The tenants are not human (59)

  Qin Gui didn't take the initiative to talk to Qianyan, and Qianyan didn't talk to Qin Gui too much.

   What should be said, I have already said it when I cleaned up the other party last time.

   No matter what he said, it would take a hundred years for Qin Gui to get rid of all this. And a hundred years later, when the aura is revived, the world is about to change drastically.

   At that time, Qin Gui, who will get rid of all this, will soon face the liquidation of heaven, and whether he can survive depends on his good fortune.

   When leaving the Boa Constrictor Garden, Xie Yanhuai received a call from his grandfather Xie Zhen.

   "Grandpa wants to invite you home for dinner." Xie Yanhuai said nervously, "But everything is up to you. If you think it's right now, go there. If it's not right now, forget it."

   They have just started, and his grandfather is very anxious.

  Qianyan agreed, she guessed that Xie Zhen's sudden invitation to her should not be about her and Xie Yanhuai, they just started, and the other party didn't know so soon.

   Sure enough, when he saw Xie Zhen, Xie Zhen didn't realize the relationship between her and Xie Yanhuai at all. He just invited her to the study and said many words of thanks to her.

  Qianyan finally understood, Xie Zhen seemed to have figured out something, and was thanking her for leading Xie Yanhuai to avoid a fatal calamity.

  Hearing this, Qianyan also understood that the former Xie Yanhuai met those monsters was a dead end.

   Later, Xie Zhen got entangled with a few monsters. As for the result, I guess it was not very good, otherwise the identity of Xie Yanhuai would not have been selected by the prime minister.

  In the beginning, Xie Zhen treated Qian Yan as a peer.

  When he found out that his grandson had an unusual relationship with Qianyan, he was stunned for a long time, and then secretly changed his attitude, only to realize why his grandson insisted on following him before.

  A few years later, Qianyan and Xie Yanhuai met a few beggars digging through garbage on the street.

  Shi An felt that someone was watching him, raised his head, and saw Qianyan in the crowd at a glance. He knew that Qianyan could not help him, so he had no intention of going up. Just in such a daze, the thing he found in his hand was snatched by the beggar next to him.

  Shi An, who came back to his senses, quickly snatched the things back, and even gave a vicious mouthful to the beggar who snatched the things.

  Qianyan recognized the other two beggars, namely Gu Tao and Tao Zhen.

  The pair of sons and daughters of the two have not been reduced to the point of being beggars. They live in poverty and pay a lot of chicken feathers. Naturally, it was because of what Gu Tao and Tao Zhen did, which implicated them. The wealth that Gu Feng and Gu Yue enjoyed, so much so that no matter how hard they tried, they would not be able to save money in this life, at least they could survive.

  Time flies, and a hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye.

  During the past hundred years, Qianyan did as Ruan Xinxin wanted, making all the ghosts in the villa helpless and doing things they didn't want.

   And Qin Gui in the Boa Constrictor Garden has also been watched for a hundred years.

  In the past hundred years, the world has undergone great changes. First of all, the recovery of spiritual energy decades ago has made science and metaphysics develop side by side in this world.

  Nowadays many people go to the boa constrictor garden to see Qin Gui, and they don't all think that he is just a boa constrictor, and some people even have Qin Gui's idea.

  Qianyan had restrictions on Qin Gui, but he didn't restrict him from fighting back against those who tried to trick him, so he didn't suffer.

  The day when the 100-year time came, Qin Gui felt that the power that restricted him was gone, and regardless of the fact that there were still people watching him in the boa constrictor garden, he disappeared in place with a single spell.

  Xu Heng and others in the villa were also the same. They felt that the restrictions on their bodies were gone, and they ran away one after another.

  They don't know whether they can run away or not. Since there is no such restriction, it is a fool not to run away. Over the years, they thought of many ways to escape, but it was completely useless. Now that I have the opportunity, of course I have to try it.

  Qianyan hadn’t been to Taoguanshan Villa for many years, and felt that these guys were running away, so she didn’t pay much attention.

  She sat by the window, looking out at the lightning and thunder.

  Xie Yanhuai felt something, came over, held her hand and sat down, then looked at the sky.

   "The situation tonight is a little bit wrong, it looks like there is a thunder disaster." With the advancement of his cultivation, Xie Yanhuai felt that something was unusual.

  Qianyan said: "It's the thunder disaster of those ghosts in the villa."

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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