All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3364: What to do if there is a pervert (42)

"Ms. Wang, you are sympathetic to the loss of your daughter, but you know that this matter has nothing to do with Yan Binghuai, and you still harass him for eight years. It is very unreasonable to vent all your resentment on him." Qian Yan said, " Regarding what you have done these years, Yan Binghuai can sue you."

  Yan Binghuai actually didn't plan to sue the two, even if they had a bad temper, because Jing Xinyu had been sad for so many years.

  But Wang Rulan's unrelenting attitude just now, and the truth that Qianyan told him, also made him angry.

  He understands their feelings about losing their beloved daughter, but this is not the reason for them to pretend to be confused and blame him for everything wrong.

  If he doesn't pursue it this time, he will be sorry for the boss defending him just now.

  Wang Rulan was taken aback when she heard that she might be sued, Jing Zhenchuan was a little flustered, and the two quickly looked at Yan Binghuai.

  Jing Zhenchuan said to Qianyan: "I don't think this has anything to do with you, right? The matter between us and Yan Binghuai will be handled by ourselves, and you don't need to intervene."

  Jing Zhenchuan's tone was very bad, obviously annoyed that Qianyan had just said so much, which made them lose face, and he already felt that the eyes of the people around them were not right.

Wang Rulan continued: "Yes, this is a matter between us and Yan Binghuai. It has nothing to do with you, so you don't want to intervene. We don't want to sue. We don't know that Xinyu has a crush on someone else. After she left, we I think she went to find someone she has a crush on, but how could she know that she just went to the beach to relax. We made all these troubles all these years because it was not worth it for Xinyu, I didn't expect to find the wrong person, and we didn't mean it."

  The attitudes of the two completely exhausted Yan Binghuai's sympathy and patience.

"You two, you have harassed me and slandered me for eight years. You can't just say you made a mistake." Yan Binghuai walked over to Qianyan, "This is my boss, she has the right to say these things for me .”

   "Let the matter between us be resolved by the law." After Yan Binghuai finished speaking, regardless of the astonished gazes of the two, he stopped talking to them.

  He has been slandered for so many years, these two people should really apologize publicly and return him innocent. As for whether they will be punished separately, he obeys the law.

  Although he is not Jing Xinyu's classmate, but after these eight years, and the performance of the two just now, I can understand how suffocated she was at that time.

  To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the two's desire to control and improper discipline, would Jing Xinyu go to the beach alone?

  He didn't say this, because he didn't want to use it to attack the two of them.

   It's not pity for the two of them, but sympathy for Jing Xinyu's experience. It was Yuan Boyu who killed her, and other reasons should not grab her attention. If Yuan Boyu didn't harm her, classmate Jing Xinyu would just go to the beach to relax.

  Qianyan could understand Yan Binghuai's thoughts, so he didn't specifically point out this matter.

  If Yuan Boyu hadn't stretched out his evil claws to Jing Xinyu, this girl might have been admitted to the ideal university and met the person she had a crush on back then. It can be seen from Yuan Boyu's account that this is actually a very open-minded girl.

  Whether the confession is successful or not will not have a great impact on her life.

  Maybe there are often conflicts with her parents, but she is a strong-minded person, and she will definitely be able to manage her own life well.

  Yan Binghuai did what he said, and went to consult on the same day how to do it.

  Afterwards, Jing Zhenchuan and Wang Rulan wanted to talk to him, but he refused.

  Jing Xinyu's case was finally solved, and another case was involved in it, and the content was shocking.

  Because of Qianyan's video, this matter has caused a lot of trouble on the Internet.

  The majority of netizens did not expect that the case could be solved so quickly, let alone that another case was involved, as well as Yan Binghuai, an innocent person who had been harassed for eight years.

  The majority of netizens sympathized with Yan Binghuai and Jing Xinyu, but were speechless towards Wang Rulan and Jing Zhenchuan.

  As for the actions of Yuan Boyu and Zhuo Peikang, everyone hates them.

  Wang Rulan and Jing Zhenchuan were fined, and after publicly apologizing to Yan Binghuai, he stopped entangled in this matter.

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