Chapter 3402 Goddess's wish (32)

  Xue Mingwei didn't expect Qianyan to agree, and immediately said with a smile: "Thank you sir, you can do whatever you want, and I won't interfere. You are so powerful, they don't dare to provoke you."

  Qianyan thought, that's not necessarily the case.

  Actually, she didn't take the initiative to find trouble with those people. What she did before was indeed almost the same, and they were the only ones who could make trouble for a while.

  But with the temperament of those people, it is impossible to let her go. Especially Xue Mingxuan, who has powerful divine power, must try her best to trouble her.

   "That's it, I'll show you the picture when they show up. If they don't show up, I won't show it to you." After Qian Yan finished speaking, she blocked Xue Mingwei.

  On the same day, Yue Xinghuai announced the crisis that would happen in the heavens.

  If this person is not Yue Xinghuai, there are still people in the heavens who question it, thinking that someone is joking. It can be heard that this person is Yue Xinghuai, everyone fell into silence and panic.

  But Yue Xinghuai told the rest of the situation together, and the people in the whole heaven breathed a sigh of relief.

  So, many people are staring at the sword.

  Since no one is counted, it is possible that the owner of this sword is anyone.

  Yue Xinghuai had known for a long time that there would be such a reaction when it was announced, but this matter could not be concealed.

   After all, you don’t know what will happen in the heavens before the matter is resolved. If you know this earlier, everyone can prepare early and reduce damage.

   As for the fact that everyone in the heavens will look for this sword and cause trouble, and whether it will affect the owner of this sword, Yue Xinghuai is not worried.

  One of the intentions he announced was to hope that the owner of the sword would see the situation and hide the sword.

  As long as you are not a fool, you will hide your sword. In this way, if it is not a real giant sword, even if there is a dispute in the heavens, it will not be too big.

  He never imagined that the owner of the giant sword hid it much deeper than expected.

  After knowing the crisis, the top powerhouses in the heavens didn't bother to look for the giant sword, and came to Youkeng Mountain in Hongfeng City one after another.

  Red Maple City is also full these days, unprecedentedly lively.

  Everyone who comes here must go to see the situation in the pit mountain. Hongwen will not refuse anyone who comes, but fortunately tea is entertaining. If there is another way to solve it, she would love it.

   Who told me that these pits are all in her own territory? If something happens, she will be the first.

  As time passed, strong men from all over the world tried Youkengshan, and all of them returned to Hongfeng City cautiously.

  The matter was not resolved, so they temporarily lived in Hongfeng City. Just go back like this, they are not at ease.

  Mr. Xingyue has calculated that there is a disaster in the heavens, but the time has not been calculated. No one knows when it will happen. It is better to stay here and rest assured.

   For this reason, Yue Xinghuai will do divination every few days, hoping to get more information.

   There are bits and pieces of information here and there, but they are not very useful.

   After two months like this, no one can come up with a proper solution to the problem of pits.

  Thus, everyone in the heavenly realm began to set their sights on the giant sword, even if the chance of finding it was slim, they wanted to try it.

  Aside from sincerely wanting to rescue the dangers of the heavens, many of them also want to have the Excalibur.

  A sword that can separate the two worlds, even if it is covered in rust, is still a divine sword. It is so strong even when there is rust, but I want to show how strong it is.

  Using this divine sword means that you are the number one person in the heavens, and everyone will respect you when things are resolved in the future.

  Just thinking about this is tempting.

  Wherever Qianyan went now, he could hear talk about the Excalibur.

  Recently, there have been a lot of false news about Excalibur, which has made the whole heaven lively.

  (end of this chapter)

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