Chapter 3408 Goddess's wish (38)

  After saying that, Xue Mingxuan was still a little annoyed, it seemed that she was being led by the nose by Xue Qianyan.

   "I want to count like this." Qianyan said.

  Yue Xinghuai was amused and laughed, the goddess has a good personality.

  System 666: No matter what is good, there is never a bad time.

  Xue Mingxuan's eyes are full of you being unreasonable, but Qianyan really doesn't want to be unreasonable, so she raises her hand and wants to wave her away.

   Not wanting Yue Xinghuai to strike faster, he waved his sleeves at them casually. Before the three could say anything, they instantly turned into three stars, and they didn't know where they were waved.

  With the power of the three of them, there will be no damage, at most they will be embarrassed.

  Yue Xinghuai smiled at Qianyan and said, "Then I'll make fish first."

"I didn't expect them to have the face to come here. I have restricted the range of Xingyue River just now. They must be opened to enter and exit. Without my opening the door, they will not be able to enter again. Unless they are much stronger than me, they can force their way in. Come."

   "Okay." Qian Yan responded, and watched Yue Xinghuai walk into a slightly lower room next to the house. This is the kitchen that was built later.

   Whenever there are Xue Mingxuan and others, Qianyan will show Xue Mingwei this picture.

  Xue Mingwei suddenly noticed a picture appeared in the wishing well, and quickly looked over, only to find that there were only Xue Mingxuan and the three of them, and she was still a little disappointed in her eyes.

  When she saw Yue Xinghuai take the initiative to throw the three of them away in order to protect Qianyan, she was a little envious.

  Even without Xue Mingxuan, Pei Kongling never did this. Perhaps, it's because she is stronger herself, so she can solve everything by herself.

   Thinking about it carefully, isn't it because Xue Mingxuan was born that so many people love her?

   Whenever the other party needs something, parents and Pei Kongling are the first to do it.

  So, it's because she is too powerful and can do everything by herself, so she doesn't seem to need other people, making their feelings for her not as good as Xue Mingxuan?

  Qianyan didn't know that Xue Mingwei was thinking about this right now, and if she knew, she wouldn't say much.

  The wishing well is gone, but Xue Mingwei can imagine the scene of Qianyan and Xingyue Jun eating braised fish together later.

  Even if the two of them looked polite, she could see that Mr. Xingyue treated adults very differently.

   Neither Qianyan nor System 666 can talk to Xue Mingwei, so she naturally doesn't know that Yue Xinghuai's identity is very special.

  Even System 666, who usually talks a lot to wishers, doesn't say anything about Qianyan himself.

  The master host has said that Xue Mingwei is a thunder that may explode. Naturally, the less the other party knows, the better. This is very different from the previous hosts.

"It's strange to say, originally I wanted to divination about the whereabouts of the divine sword, but now I can't figure out anything." Yue Xinghuai said, frowning, and quickly expanded, "I will calculate the situation in the heavens later, The result is still good, it should be that the master of the divine sword sensed something was wrong and hid it."

  Qianyan said: "It's good to hide it. Now the whole heaven has been searched, and everyone wants to find the Excalibur."

  Yue Xinghuai said: "But the goddess didn't look for it. With your strength, it is easier to find than them."

   Qian Yan was not easy to answer, she said: "Some things still depend on chance."

   "It's still a goddess who can see clearly." He saw that Qianyan was eating fish seriously, so he stopped talking, thinking about which one to catch tomorrow.

  When he was fishing before, he noticed several fishes that were good. They were fat and colorful, and the taste should not be bad.

   In a while, he will go to see how the seasonings are growing. Whether the fish can taste better depends on these seasonings.

  (end of this chapter)

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