Chapter 3414 Goddess's wish (44)

  Because he was anxious about Xue Mingxuan's situation, Pei Kongling didn't even notice that Xue Jiufeng's voice was a little out of breath.

  When Xue Jiufeng heard that it was Pei Kongling, he subconsciously wanted to remove the formation and let him in, but remembering his own situation, he asked one more question: "I don't know what's going on today?"

  Unexpectedly, he heard Pei Kongling say: "I brought Mingxuan back together, she is not in a very good condition now, please activate the formation."

  As soon as these words fell, Xue Jiufeng's face changed drastically, and he didn't care about anything, and quickly withdrew the formation.

  Without any obstacles, Pei Kongling carried Xue Mingxuan in his arms and floated to the top of the mountain where Xue Jiufeng and his wife usually stayed.

   "What happened to Mingxuan?"

  As soon as they saw Pei Kongling, they rushed forward anxiously. When they saw the dying Xue Mingxuan, their eyes were darkened.

  They yelled around Xue Mingxuan a few times, but there was no response at all, they could only look at Pei Kongling, hoping he could give him an explanation.

"I suddenly received a message from Mingxuan, and I felt something was wrong, so I went to find someone according to what she said. When I saw her, she was like this. This way, in order to stabilize her condition, I had to send divine power all the time." Pei Kongling's face turned ugly, "But it's not an option to continue like this. Fortunately, we have already reached the snow mountain. Mingxuan can't receive other people's divine power, but can receive mine. I guess it's because she once had my divine power in her body. She can not only If you accept mine, you should be able to accept yours."

   "As long as the three of us work together, we should be able to rescue Ming Xuan."

  Pei Kongling's plan is to bear a little bit by himself, so it won't be so difficult. The two couples loved Ming Xuan very much, and they shouldn't watch her die.

  If Xue Jiufeng and his wife still have supernatural power, they naturally don't want to see Mingxuan have trouble. The problem is that the little supernatural power they have left can only maintain their appearance, and it doesn't do anything at all.

  Pei Kongling was puzzled when he saw the ugly faces of the two of them. Could it be that they don't want to?

Lin Lan said bitterly: "It's not that we don't want to, but that our divine power has long been given to Mingxuan. Before Mingxuan went out and met Xue Qianyan, she came back with a serious injury. She was completely disappointed and decided to seek justice, so we temporarily gave her the divine power."

   "Who knew that Niu Nv's divine power was so powerful. We gave Mingxuan all the divine power, but we still couldn't deal with her. Now Mingxuan is still seriously injured." Xue Jiufeng slammed his fist on the table, and said bitterly.

Thinking of Xue Mingxuan's situation, he looked at Pei Kongling with a face full of pleading: "Mingxuan's situation is critical now, and I have to trouble you. If the two of us had supernatural powers, how could we not save her? If we had known this, we shouldn't have helped her." Promise her to seek justice, and just leave her in the snow mountain."

   What Xue Jiufeng regretted even more was that if he knew that the matter would go on like this, he might as well not have mentioned the matter of granting Mingxuan divine power in the first place.

  Ming Xuan has been staying in the snow mountain, not going anywhere, so nothing will happen.

  However, things have become like this, the only thing he has to do is to find a way to save Mingxuan. For this reason, he did not hesitate to take out the treasures he had treasured for many years, hoping that these treasures could give Pei Kongling some supernatural power.

  Originally they used it for themselves, but now even if they feel distressed, they must first let Pei Kongling save Xue Mingxuan.

  Pei Kongling didn't expect such a result, looking at Xue Mingxuan who was lying there as if losing her life, it was impossible for him to turn around and leave.

   "Don't worry Jiufeng Xuejun, I won't watch Mingxuan disappear like this."

  (end of this chapter)

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