Even if Xue Mingwei is only half of the soul, she is still relatively strong. The three of them are absolutely attractive to her, especially Pei Kongling.

  With just one glance, she could tell that something was wrong with the three of them.

  Seeing that Xue Mingxuan, who was always protected by the three people, was nowhere to be found, Xue Mingwei felt that something must have happened, and wanted to figure out what was going on.

  Qianyan saw what Xue Mingwei was thinking, so she agreed to talk to the three of them without waiting for the other party to speak.

  Xue Mingwei felt at ease, and after thanking Qianyan, sat next to the wishing well and stared at the picture inside without blinking.

  Qianyan led the three of them to the bank of the Xingyue River, stopped for a long time, and turned to meet the eyes of the three: "Tell me, what's the matter here this time?"

  She knew why the three of them came here, so she just went through a process and asked.

  She noticed Xue Mingwei's serious eyes, and she was also a little vigilant. I don't know how Xue Mingwei will react after knowing these things. Speaking of which, even if the previous wishers were stupid, they all came to their senses later.

   It is still rare to see someone like Xue Mingwei, and it must be a challenge for her.

   It was Lin Lan who said, "Ming Xuan tricked all of our divine power away, and now I don't know where it went."

"I really didn't expect Mingxuan to do this. We are so kind to her, how can I feel sorry for her? She actually..." Lin Lan was really sad in her heart, she couldn't figure out how Xue Mingxuan would do that, "Now I and Your father only has the power to maintain his appearance, and she also took away all the good things from the snow mountain, so it is even more difficult for us to increase some power."

  Speaking of Xue Mingxuan's behavior, Lin Lan thought of her eldest daughter.

  Except for what Mingxuan did in the end, the eldest daughter is still very well-behaved at other times, and they never need to worry about it.

   Not only that, any good things are sent to them.

  Lin Lan was very regretful in her heart. If she had known that her youngest daughter would do this, even if the other party would help them avoid a disaster, they would not be so conniving. Raising them at will, not so pampering, should they be protected from disaster, or should they be prevented from disaster?

   Like the eldest daughter, they didn't spend much thought. If it weren't for the matter of giving Mingxuan supernatural power, the eldest daughter would definitely not turn against them.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan's attitude changed a bit: "Qianyan, we were all deceived by Mingxuan, we love her dearly, feel that we owe her everywhere, always want to give her all the good things, and finally ignore you and miss her Still so..."

"Qianyan, let's go back to the Snow Mountain." Xue Jiufeng also looked at Qianyan pitifully, "We all want to understand, it's good to know you. Mingxuan doesn't know where she went, and it looks like she won't come back again. Parents are left with only you."

Lin Lan wiped her tears: "How did we know that Mingxuan had a lot of thoughts and said that she did everything on purpose. After hearing these words, we knew that you were good. In the past, it was your parents who were bad and treated you badly. Now we How about going back together and starting over?"

  Pei Kongling did not speak, but stood silently watching Qianyan.

  Unfortunately, no matter how meaningful his eyes are, Qian Yan cannot be moved.

  However, Xue Mingwei was different. It was undeniable that she was a little happy when she saw the three people wake up.

   They finally knew Ming Xuan's true face, and they also said that they would start over with her and get along as before.

   This is what Xue Mingxuan thought about countless times after she was born.

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