After hearing those things, Xue Mingwei's eyes were shocked, followed by heartache, and her face was full of pain.

  Qianyan didn't speak, waiting for Xue Mingwei's reaction.

   "My lord, can you help him?"

   "I know that such a request is a bit excessive, but I really don't want to see him suffer like that."

   "What a proud man he was, how could he be treated like this?"

   "I blame him for not being able to see me. I only care about Xue Mingxuan, but I don't want to see him like this."

   "My lord, you just need to give him some decency and prevent him from being humiliated like this. You can do whatever you want."

  Qianyan said coldly: "I haven't seen anything? I don't care about anything of yours."

   "This kind of thing is kind of disgusting, I don't want to do it."

   Xue Mingwei became more and more emotional, especially when the surrounding voices were still discussing.

  When Qianyan was in a square and saw someone mirroring the scene of Pei Kongling being humiliated, Xue Mingwei's emotions reached their peak.

  At that moment, Qianyan felt a force.

  She couldn't figure out what kind of power it was, but she could feel that Xue Mingwei was about to regain her body. Because, she already felt that her soul and this body began to repel, but it was not impossible to resist.

  At that moment, Yue Xinghuai, who was always paying attention to her, sensed something was wrong, but didn't think deeply about it. Until, Qianyan grabbed his hand and took him to a corner in the city.

  During the period, Qianyan noticed that Xue Mingwei froze for a moment, and she guessed that the other party felt something too. After being stunned for a moment, Xue Mingwei continued to struggle, and felt that she could return to her body. Xue Mingwei was overjoyed and followed that feeling.

  When Xue Mingwei's Yuanshen disappeared into the wishing space, she said: "My lord, I'm sorry, I really can't let him go. If there is a chance, I will apologize to you in the future."

  Before Xue Mingwei's primordial spirit took control of her body, Qianyan's soul floated aside.

  Xue Mingwei adjusted her body, her toes floated up, and disappeared in front of Yue Xinghuai in the blink of an eye.

  Yue Xinghuai looked at the direction where Xue Mingwei disappeared. If it wasn't for his hand being held and the familiar aura around him, he would definitely chase after her.

  Because of the covenant with the stars, even if Qian Yan hides, Yue Xinghuai can still feel her presence.

  When Qianyan appeared, he looked at the different spirit in front of him for a long time, and said, "Is this you?"

   While speaking, he held Qianyan tightly, for fear that she would disappear if she was not careful.

   Qianyan said, "It's me."

  Qianyan's figure is becoming more and more solid. This is the heaven, with special powers. With the help of these special powers, she can condense the appearance of her body according to her soul.

   After a while, she appeared in front of Yue Xinghuai with her original appearance. However, he still wears half a mask.

   Just now, when she condensed her body, she realized that the burn scar on her face turned out to be a little smaller. Even though it was just a little bit, it proved that her direction was not wrong.

  That burn was definitely not a simple burn, it was probably cursed. Now that power's **** to her soul is getting smaller and smaller, which proves that the curse is useless. Of course, the scar on her face will become smaller.

   After all, she has traveled through so many worlds and acquired so many abilities. Where even a small burn can’t be cured, it must be tampered with inside.

  Yue Xinghuai asked again: "Then will you disappear suddenly?" While speaking, he secretly activated his magical powers to see the marriage line between them.

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