"Who is this?" Yue Xinghuai looked at the portrait that Qianyan took out, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't tell people's fate based on the portrait, he would have wanted to do a divination.

   After all, this portrait is of a man, and his appearance is not bad.

   "The river **** below, I suspect that he is a person who descended from the heaven. You send the portrait to Hongwen and ask her to find out if there is such a person."

   "This is related to the survival of the heavens, hurry up, don't think too much." Qian Yan knew what this person was thinking, so he reminded him.

Yue Xinghuai felt embarrassed when he was reminded, and quickly rolled up the portrait. He touched a stone, tapped the stone to become a human being, and gave the portrait to the attendant who the stone turned into: "Did you hear what I just said? Send this portrait over, and let the matter Do it well, and you won't have to turn back into stone in the future."

  Let him go by himself, it's impossible, he still has to watch here.

   "Thank you Mr. Xingyue, my servant understands." The attendant took over the portrait with joy on his face, and it floated away after a while. Everyone could see his joy in being a human being.

   Qianyan: "..."

   It's still pretty good.

  Others turn beans into soldiers, but he turns stone into soldiers. If you think about it carefully, there is really nothing wrong with it.

   "The stones in the Xingyue River can turn into people?" Qian Yan asked.

  Yue Xinghuai said: "No, this stone already has some spirituality, I helped enlighten it. If you want to turn back into a stone again, you have to break his soul."

  He's not that cruel.

   "I just wanted him to do his job well so as not to slack off."

  Qianyan couldn't help but look sideways, this man is really capable of deceiving even a small stone.

  Yue Xinghuai was thinking, it would be good to have a servant who can run errands, after all, he has someone he cares about, and he can't run everything by himself. If there is anything to do in the future, let that little stone do it.

   After a while, the attendant came back and led Hongwen with him.

Before Qianyan could ask, Hongwen said: "I have found out the identity of this person, he is one of the people who accidentally fell into the deep pit. In addition, I have already found out the identity of the person who fell into the deep pit that year. Bring them all here, and look."

  Qianyan memorized everyone's characteristic names, and then said something about the following situation.

  Hongwen was stunned and angry: "These guys are really courageous. You said that the world is so deeply involved with the heavens, and it is also related to life and death. Does it have something to do with them?"

  As a celestial being, how could he not know the cause and effect involved.

  Qianyan nodded: "It is very possible that they are each a river god, drawing strength from ordinary people with the help of disasters. Therefore, it can be regarded as cutting off the possibility of ordinary people below saving the world by themselves."

   Because of this, it is possible to be involved with the heavens.

   To sever the connection, not only must the two worlds be separated, but also those river gods must be resolved.

  That world has been shattered, and it is much worse than the heaven. She has sensed before that the breath of that world is the same as that of Xiaotiandao, so it is actually a world.

   It's just that the rules are slightly different, and the reason may be incomplete.

  If it weren't for the existence of those river gods, capable people would surely be born in the lower realm to save the world, and finally the lower world would gradually improve, as would the heavenly realm.

  Qianyan couldn't help thinking of the entanglement between Xue Mingwei and Pei Kongling. She guessed that the world below was related to the two, and it was probably one of their maps.

   "Then what can I do." Hong Wen was full of worry, "If I can use my divine power down here, I can go down and solve this problem myself."

   But now that this situation, if it really goes on, there is only one end, which is to become the food of those river gods.

  Qianyan said at this time: "The power of the soul is not restricted below. The premise is that the soul that has left the body will be restricted if it lives in its own body."

  She has already tried it, that is, the trace of soul power left on Xue Mingwei's body can move freely below.

   It is also because her soul does not belong to that body. If she really fits with that body, she may be restricted.

   Let’s not talk about whether the people of the heavens are willing to stay below forever, but the situation below is complicated, and not everyone who goes down can guarantee a solution.

   So, she has to go.

   Speaking of letting Xue Mingwei regain the right to use her body, it was a slap in the face, and it became such a thing.

See you tomorrow

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