All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3484: Dad is the second generation of rich cannon fodder (26)

  Chapter 3484 Dad is the second generation of rich cannon fodder (26)

  The little boy trapped in the center of the beam of light, staring at Qianyan's unrecognizable soul for a while, thought a lot in his mind instantly.

  If it weren't for the intervention of this soul, he would only become weaker and weaker, let alone condense his body shape, it would be good if he didn't dissipate.

  Currently, it seems that it is beneficial for the other party to reveal the real hint.

  Du Zhou will not be fooled by those changed prompts, it will only get better and better. Du Zhou is good, treat him well, maybe he can get the key back.

  The key to the gold plate was lost, and no one knew who got it, which made him trapped inside as soon as he regained consciousness. Don't talk about it, even contacting Du Zhou is impossible.

  The person who got the key, after changing the reminder, is tantamount to destroying the luck of Du Zhou, the chosen son. He has a causal relationship with Du Zhou. He is a grasshopper on a boat, and his strength will be weakened accordingly.

   "My name is Jin Huai, I don't know who you are?" Jin Huai said, the only thing he can contact now is this soul.

   Take a gamble.

   Qianyan got a name here, condensed this little soul into the appearance of this world, and her voice changed accordingly: "You should have seen me."

  Jin Huai was stunned. He thought it was some old monster, but he didn't expect it to be a little girl smaller than him.

  He has seen this little girl before, the daughter of Qiao Zifang whom Du Zhou met last time when he went to Yinhua Building, Qiao Qianyan.

   Wait, it is impossible for an ordinary four-year-old girl to have such abilities.

   So, this should be a fake kid!

   Having said that, although he looks like a child, he has existed for an unknown number of years.

  They are all fake kids, but it’s actually okay. If you want to talk to a real four-year-old, he will definitely be scared to death.

  Fake children are fake children, at least there are no barriers to communication.

  The other party's current identity is Qiao Zifang's daughter. According to his calculations, Du Zhou and Qiao Zifang have a lot of connections, and the last thing they should be is enemies.

  The fake child on the opposite side prevented the two from having conflicts, which means that there is no conflict of interest between them and they can talk about it.

   "That..." Jin Huai opened his mouth to talk about his situation, but quickly shut up before he could say it.

  He was not vigilant just now, why did he open his mouth and tell all about himself?

  So, he changed his words: "Your Excellency, what is your intention to hide on Du Zhou's body?"

  The fake kid doesn't look like a bad guy, but he still has to ask, there's nothing wrong with being vigilant.

  【Master Host, Mr. Prime Minister, the child looks a little cute? Everything is shown on the face, you are more teasing. ] System 666 said excitedly.

  Qianyan: "If you feel bored, you can play with the little girl."

   How funny? What a bad taste.

   "No intention, just inadvertently noticed that something is wrong with Du Zhou, come and have a look."

   Qianyan walked a little closer, reached out to touch the beam of light blocking Jin Huai, and passed through it in one go.

  She was a little surprised, and Jin Huai was also a little shocked. He watched Qianyan walk in and then go out again.

   Don't these beams of light stop people?

  Jin Huai thought for a while, then walked outside quickly. But because he had been bumped and hurt many times before, he tried it with his hands first, and it turned out that he couldn't walk in and out at will like Qianyan.

   Qianyan saw this, and walked back: "It seems that this is only about you."

  Jin Huai's face was distorted, either as if, or.

  (end of this chapter)

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