All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3500: Dad is a cannon fodder rich second generation (42)

  Chapter 3500 Dad is the cannon fodder rich second generation (42)

   It will not be overwritten until the next prompt appears.

   "Which restaurant do you want to go to?" Du Zhou asked, his expression hardly changed from before.

  Jin Huai rested his chin: "This kid is really good at hiding. He doesn't have absolute strength to destroy it. Few people can play him better."

   Qianyan is not surprised, Du Zhou is not simple.

  Speaking of which, Du Zhou is more similar to Qiao Zifang in this regard, and both of them are clear in their hearts. From the appearance, one looks like a money-spending dude, and the other is a gentle and honest person.

  If the two were not deliberately calculated, the ending would definitely not be like that.

   It was precisely because in the little girl's memory that Qiao Zifang had been calculated too thoroughly, Qian Yan paid more attention to the person behind the scenes.

  If the other party doesn't have any real skills, it is not so easy to plot against the son of luck.

Besides, the reminder from Du Can just now is indeed true. A force suddenly appeared beside Du Can, and the text formed was: Du Can also really wants to travel, but thinking that his brother is coming back, he is not going to go. , intending to stay at home with my brother.

   What Du Zhou wants to see is this false reminder, and he will only think that Du Can's behavior is an awkward boy.

  But Qianyan is here, Du Zhou will only see real hints.

  The next hints that appear on Du Can will only be true. If Du Can has any secrets, they will be exposed to Du Zhou's eyes one by one.

  Back to Du Can, he said: "Whatever, you lead the way, you can't starve me to death anyway."

  Du Zhou smiled and said: "Okay, let's go to the old place. I saw you liked the food in that restaurant last time."

"It will be all right."

"Is the monthly money enough to spend?" Du Zhou asked, "Suddenly remembered that you like the food in this restaurant very much, and the price is not cheap. If you come often, I will get you a VIP card for the restaurant. At that time, you can come over to eat with the card. It doesn’t matter how much you eat, and the restaurant will ask me for reimbursement directly.”

   Du Can said: "I won't go there often. What's the point of eating alone. I want to be with my classmates and friends often."

   "Then let me give you more money." Du Zhou said, "How about 50,000 a month? It should be enough. Spend it first, and then ask me if you don't have enough."

  Originally, he gave Du Can 10,000 yuan a month.

  In fact, he has a lot of money, so it’s okay to give more, but Du Can is still a high school student, and he has room and board at home, so 10,000 is already a lot. For many migrant workers, it is not easy to earn 10,000 yuan a month.

   At that time, when Du Can heard that he was going to give the other party 10,000 yuan, the reminder that appeared on the other party was: 10,000 yuan is really a lot, and there is no way to spend it all, so let’s save it.

  However, the reminder popping up on Du Can now is: Du Can is a little unhappy in his heart, what is the difference between this and sending a beggar. This Du Zhou easily earned hundreds of thousands and millions, but he was dismissed for 50,000. What a cheapskate.

  If he had seen the reminder on Du Can before, he thought there was some misunderstanding, or the reminder was not fully revealed.

  Then the following prompt really made him a little confused.

  The gold plate he got, is the prompt text accurate? Will there be random prompts?

  The last time he was in the Yinhua Building, he hadn't doubted this much.

   This time, it was hard for him not to doubt. If Jin Pan's hints are not necessarily accurate, then he can't just rely on this.

   Fortunately, after what happened in the Yinhua Tower last time, he gradually reduced Jinpan's influence on him.

  (end of this chapter)

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