All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3580: I heard that she is timid and fearful of society (47)

  Chapter 3580 I heard that she is timid and socially afraid (47)

   Xing Yun gritted his teeth and turned on the walkie-talkie: "All staff, when you meet Mao Mao, pay attention to managing your expressions, she is very good at micro-expressions."

  【Director Dog. 】

  【Damn it, it's so hateful, beat your chest. 】

  Xing Yun stared at Song Tingxu after seeing Qianyan, and immediately called Song Tingxu again: "Xiao Song, Xiao Song, pay attention, pay attention, cats and cats are already following you, transfer quickly, please transfer quickly."

   It wasn’t a big deal at first, but after being messed up like this, Song Tingxu was so nervous that his forehead was sweating, and he quickly replied: “Understood, director.”

  【Xingyun this dog, he is such a dog, does the family know? 】

  【At first I thought peek-a-boo was fun, but now...quack! Although it's a poor cat, it's really fun. 】

  【Quack quack, although, I believe that cats can get points. 】

  Qianyan was very fast this time, and Song Tingxu was bumped by her just as she shifted.

  Successfully won a point from Song Tingxu, she was in a very happy mood, with her back turned to Song Tingxu, waiting for him to escape.

  A minute later, when she was about to chase Song Tingxu, the cameraman plugged in a walkie-talkie: "Mr. Mao, oh no, Mr. Yu, the director has something to say."

  【Hahaha, Mr. Cat seems to be fine. 】

  Qianyan picked up the walkie-talkie: "Director, what are your orders?"

  Xing Yun coughed dryly: "You can't catch one guest at a time, at least one apart."

  Qianyan responded lightly: "Understood." She pinned the walkie-talkie to her waist and looked in another direction.

  Every time she came to a floor, she would ask the staff if they saw anyone.

   Their expressions were well managed, Qian Yan guessed that the director had instructed them.

   But it was useless, he dealt with the expression briefly, and couldn't hide anything in front of her. If she asks in another way, the other party will show her feet.

  Xing Yun could only wipe off his cold sweat and remind the guests to run quickly, but he found that every time the guests ran, it was easier for Qianyan to catch them.

   "Footsteps, it's footsteps, she has excellent hearing." Xing Yun reacted, even if he told the guests to be careful, these are empty buildings, and sounds are easy to appear.

  People with average hearing may not be able to hear anything, but Yu Qianyan's hearing is very good.

   "Damn it, where is her shortcoming?" Xing Yun scratched his head frantically.

  【Hahaha, die of laughter. 】

  【Xing Laogou, stop scratching, the head of the dog is going to be bald. 】

  【Yu Maomao: Maomao me, Almighty, hey. 】

  【Other guests: Damn it, there is no escape. 】

  【Song Tingxu: Just be content with it, my points will be exhausted. 】

  When Song Tingxu's points were taken away by Qianyan, Qianyan's speed of finding guests slowed down.

  Feeling hungry halfway, she also ordered a takeaway, and ordered one for the cameraman brother by the way. She sort of got the gist of this kind of show, and whatever she did was interesting and fun.

  Even if the rules are violated, the director will remind them in time, which is harmless.

  Since I'm hungry, I must order takeaway.

   Xing Yun sat down and went crazy: "This cat is really a bit arrogant."

   Crazy is crazy, but seeing the soaring heat, he is still flattered.

  So many people watched the show and noticed this unfinished building. He should be able to complete the task this time, right? Maybe it won't be long before this place can reopen.

  What Qianyan didn't expect was that Song Yanhuai was the one who delivered the food.

  The audience in the live broadcast room watched the red-haired Song Yanhuai appear with a takeaway, and let out a howling sound.

  (end of this chapter)

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