All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3616: Go to your concubine's room (12)

  Chapter 3616 Go to your concubine room (12)

   Zhou Fu was overjoyed when he heard that.

  He had expected it just now, and the fairy opened his mouth to clarify, can he not be happy?

  After every natural disaster, it will be accompanied by various diseases. There are a lot of people in Yan Kingdom, but they can't stand such a toss. It is also because of this natural disaster that there are everywhere, so that the countries can be balanced and the suffering of war can be avoided.

   "May I ask where the fairy is now?" Zhou Fu asked.

Qianyan didn't say anything for the time being, and reminded: "The power of an immortal is not good enough to directly intervene in the affairs of the mortal world. I will only give advice to you. It is a long-term solution to rely on mortals to save themselves. You should be a wise king and don't dream of becoming a fairy. Things. To be a Mingjun is a great merit, and it will bring you great benefits in the future. If you think about becoming a fairy because of this, you will put the cart before the horse. The moon is full and the water is full and it overflows. You can’t have it all.”

  Zhou Fu's mind really fluttered, and after hearing what Qianyan said, he quickly figured it out.

"Originally, your lifespan is only forty-five," Qianyan's words made Zhou Fu's eyelids twitch. You must know that he is thirty-two this year. Immediately afterwards, Qianyan pointed to the plate of fruits, "That fruit Take it and eat it, there are seven pills in total, and one pill a day can eliminate the pain in your body. If you accumulate merit later, your lifespan will be extended.”

  With her here, the emperor must have died.

  Zhou Fu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the fruit was like a treasure, he thanked him accordingly.

   "I figured out that there have been two natural disasters recently, both of which are not far from the capital. I can't go to Beijing for the time being, and I will let you know if something important happens in the future. I will let you know when I can go to Beijing."

"Go ahead."

   Before Zhou Fuduo could say anything, Qianyan had disappeared.

  Zhou Fu was stunned for a moment, and wanted to ask the fairy not to tell him where the natural disaster would happen. A gust of wind blew, and he was awakened.

   Zhou Fu opened his eyes suddenly, sat up, and quickly opened the bed curtain.

  The night watchman hurriedly came over with water and asked, "Does Your Majesty want water?"

  Zhou Fu was stunned for a moment, realizing that his fatigue was really gone, he was shocked, his expression remained unchanged, he took the water brought by the servant, and took a sip: "Go down."

  Zhou Fu lowered the bed curtain, only to see a plate of fruit inside the bed, and a piece of paper under the fruit plate, he almost exclaimed.

   It turned out to be true!

   Except for the fairy, no one can quietly put things on his dragon bed, so it must be true.

  Zhou Fu's heart was pounding, he took away the fruit plate, he was not in a hurry to study the fruit, but looked at the content on the paper.

  He decided to hide the fruit first, to see if the things mentioned on this paper would come true. If it comes true, it must be the great fortune of the gods entrusting the dream.

  Qianyan has already returned to the room and lay down to sleep, doing exercises habitually.

   Don't worry about Zhou Fu, as long as the other party verifies the truth of the matter, he will believe her.

  She didn't show up for the time being, and she also wanted to test Zhou Fu. If the other party can't stand the test and has other ideas, then she will pick someone else.

  Besides, she didn't want to show up so early, and it wouldn't be too late to show up after Zhou Zheng recovered her identity.

   Filtering these things again, she remembered one more thing, she didn't know what identity her prime minister would choose.

   She knows the names of Zhou Fu's three sons, so it's definitely not.

   In her mind, she recalled famous and well-known people, trying to find some clues from them. This memory really makes someone suspicious.

  In Shi Yihe's memory, this person was also very weak and died early. Shi Yihe died before he was taken into the capital.

See you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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