All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3654: Go to your concubine's room (50)

  Chapter 3654 Go to your concubine room (50)

  As for the Shi family, Qianyan glanced at Taoist priest Chongxu and the others, and noticed that several people were paying attention to her, and even secretly calculated.

  When she looked away, Daoist Chongxu and the others all changed their expressions, they looked at each other, and gave up the calculation.

   If you look carefully, you will find something in their mouths.

  Only Qianyan knew that it was because they insisted on counting her against her and suffered a backlash.

  If they vomit blood, it will be a shame to Zhou Zheng, so naturally they can only endure it.

  Several Taoists stood behind Zhou Zheng, who couldn't see him at all. He pretended to ask Shi's family about Shi Liyun's situation, and said, "The man has already been brought. I only need a word from Miss Shi."

   "Three days have passed, and the priests who went out just now had divinations, and Mr. Shi still has a glimmer of life."

  Shi Xiubi frowned, very puzzled what happened to her uncle's family.

  Let’s not talk about whether the person can be found, the second prince has come to pay attention, but the uncle’s family has repeatedly refused. I have never seen such a ignorant person.

  The second prince is a good-looking talent, and it is a blessing for the entire Shi family to have a crush on his cousin, yet they are hesitant.

  At this moment, Shi Xiubi wished she could replace her with her own body, but unfortunately she dared not say this. Just now she only glanced at the second prince, who seemed to have noticed. If you don't ask for anything, it's good if you can leave a deep impression.

   As for the fact that the second prince had a crush on her cousin, Shi Xiubi didn't think it was a big deal. Not to mention that the merchants are surrounded by wives and concubines, let alone a nobleman like the second prince.

  With such an opportunity to change families, the cousin should join forces with her.

  The current emperor has few heirs, maybe the second prince will take that seat one day. The cousin's surname is Shi, and she followed the second prince together, and they can still greet each other.

  At this time, Shi Xiubi was full of ambitions, seeing that the members of the Shi family were not moving, she felt anxious. Seeing the second prince's complexion getting worse and worse, she became more nervous, why is this family so stupid.

   "Who is this?" No one expected that Zhou Zheng's eyes suddenly fell on Shi Xiubi in the corner.

  Shi Xiubi lifted it up in one breath, with a slight blush on her face, and she didn't care about being introduced, walked up behind Laifu with small steps, and announced her family name.

  Shi Yunheng and Ling Zhiyan's faces turned ugly. They guessed the purpose of Shi Xiubi's visit today. What they didn't expect was that the second prince would take the initiative to notice, what is the purpose of the other party?

   "Miss Xiubi is kind-hearted." Zhou Zheng praised, he glanced at Shi Yunheng, "I really don't understand, Mr. Shi has been lost for three days, why Master Shi doesn't want me to help, does Miss Xiubi know?"

  Where did Shi Xiubi know, and she was organizing her words to speak, when she heard Zhou Zheng ask: "Speaking of which, Mr. Shi is also Miss Xiubi's cousin, I wonder if Miss Xiubi would like me to help you find your cousin?"

  Shi Yunheng and Ling Zhiyan's eyes widened. What kind of conspiracy does Zhou Zheng want to do?

  Even though they knew their daughter was capable, the two of them couldn't help but get nervous. When they wanted to say something, Shi Xiubi had already said: "Minnv naturally hopes that her cousin is safe and well. If it is convenient for the second prince to wish for the cooperation of Minnv, Your Highness can just mention it."

  Zhou Zheng is in a good mood. This Shi Xiubi is quite big and ambitious. What he wants is the other party's boldness and ambition.

  He said: "If I want you to follow me to Beijing, would you be willing?"

  Shi Xiubi's heart was pounding, and when she suppressed the situation, she looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "Your Highness is so kind, and the daughter of the people is willing to repay it with her whole body."

   Qianyan: "..."

   Shi Yunheng and his wife: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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