All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3668: go to your concubine's room (64)

  Chapter 3668 Go to your concubine's room (64)

  Shi Liyun lived a life of innocence and asceticism, those people had no chance of attacking him, so he could only feel annoyed secretly.

   Some people wanted to do something wrong, plotting against the Shi family, but Qianyan had already given the family a protective jade pendant, and those people could not harm them.

  At that time, Zhou Fu was shocked by this incident, and he punished those people severely. The life of the Shi family finally became much cleaner.

  The sun gradually rose, and Zhou Jinhuai appeared with a basket of flowers, seemingly casually placed beside Qianyan: "I saw some nice flowers this morning, and I knew the teacher liked them, so I just picked some."

   Qianyan glanced at it and praised: "It really drove well."

   Today's basket of flowers looks like it has been carefully arranged, not as random as yesterday's basket.

   "I just said, you will definitely like it." Zhou Jinhuai felt more at ease, and moved to the side to help, and by the way, talked about new things in various parts of the capital.

   Not long after, Zhou Fu came over and explained why he came. The old general's family members approached him, and he was overwhelmed with emotion for a moment. He couldn't possibly refuse, so he came over to ask the national teacher if he could solve this problem.

   "It is impossible for a mortal to be reborn with a severed limb." Qianyan said, "Even if a celestial being in the heavens wants to be reborn with a severed limb, they need the assistance of heavenly materials and spiritual treasures."

  The same is true in the world of cultivating immortals. Without the help of a good heavenly material and spiritual treasure, unless there are special exercises and a lot of spiritual support, it is just a dream.

  Of course, in some worlds, after experiencing the catastrophe, one can reshape the body, and being able to survive the catastrophe itself is a great opportunity and luck.

  Zhou Fu didn't have much hope at all, and heard Qianyan say: "A broken limb cannot be regenerated, so it's okay to reduce the pain of the old general."

   "Then I will thank the national teacher on behalf of the old general."

  Qianyan was about to ask someone to get a pen and paper, but Zhou Jinhuai ran faster than the palace servants, Zhou Fu was amused by that earnest look.

  My younger brother is diligent here at the National Teacher.

  Tianxinglou is rich in herbs, Qianyan wrote the prescription and precautions, followed by grabbing the medicine.

   After Zhou Fu thanked him, he arranged for someone to send it to the old general. He didn't stay here for long. As an emperor, he has a lot of things to do.

  Zhou Jinhuai rubbed his chin, wondering why the old general's family members came here suddenly. He secretly wrote down this matter, and decided to arrange for someone to inquire after leaving Tianxing Tower.

   Qianyan glanced at him, and didn't bother much about this matter.

This should be Zhou Zheng's temptation, so she wrote down the prescription clearly. Even if Zhou Zheng gets it, it will not have any effect on him, and there may be side effects. It depends on whether Zhou Zheng dares to take her medicine. .

  Qianyan guessed right, Zhou Zheng did get the prescription, and even a pack of medicine.

  After the old general's symptoms were relieved, he decided to try this medicine.

   After all, part of it was broken, so he should be able to eat it.

   As a result, he only drank a bowl, and he felt even more uncomfortable in an unspeakable place, so he stopped the medicine quickly. He didn't dare to ask a doctor at all, so he could only endure it, shutting himself in the room and cursing Qianyan secretly.

  After Qianyan noticed it, she transferred the screen to Shi Yihe and ignored it.

   About half a month later, Zhou Zheng's condition eased, but he no longer dared to try Qianyan's prescription. He just urged his subordinates to find an expert.

  On this day, Qianyan went out of the palace to visit the Shi family, and suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Zhou Zheng. The other party seemed to have found an expert?

  She was a little interested, so she didn't rush back to the palace, and planned to see the situation.

  (end of this chapter)

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