All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3670: go to your concubine's room (66)

  Chapter 3670 Go to your concubine room (66)

  Zhou Zheng didn't pay attention to it at first, he just thought it was a change in the weather, but when he turned around and took two steps, the wind suddenly became stronger, blowing everyone's robes loudly.

Zhou Zheng frowned, stopped and looked back, only to see that the old and the young were still standing there, nothing could be seen from their expressions. It doesn't matter if one is old or young.

   It should be the weather change.

  He had dealt with this old man in his previous life. If the other party could really control the wind and rain, why would he die in his hands?

   "Hurry up and deal with it." Zhou Zheng left this sentence indifferently, his tone already a little impatient.

  This seasoned skill can't solve his problem, since he is so ignorant, then go to hell.

  The guards holding the knives were only stopped for a moment by the sudden wind, and when they heard Zhou Zheng's impatient voice, they stopped hesitating, and quickly rushed to Taoist Wuzhen master and apprentice with the knives in hand.

  The two master and apprentice were about to become dead souls under the knife, but another wave of madness swept out, and all the guards holding the knife were swept out, and Zhou Zheng was not spared either.

   Zhou Zheng, who was swept up by the strong wind, went blank for a moment.

How can it be?

   Could it be that this life is very different, so he can't do it if he wants to attack the old Taoist?

   Thinking of his life of humiliation and humiliation, Zhou Zheng hated it very much. Soon he didn't have time to think about it anymore, he was being swept up by the strong wind, and he didn't know where he was going to be thrown.

   It was Qianyan who made the move. She found these people a relatively remote and quiet place in the mountains far from the town. In the middle, they also threw away their weapons and silver, and then threw the panicked crowd down.

  Faced with unknown means, Zhou Zhengrao is a person who does not believe in fate and God, so he can't help feeling a lot of fear in his heart.

  He was very reluctant to admit it, but at this moment he had to admit that he was a little scared.

   Fortunately, the other party didn't take his life. As for the extreme view, he probably won't come again. At least, until you find a way to resist, you will never step in again.

   "I don't know which **** saved my master and apprentice?" Taoist Wuzhen asked, showing gratitude.

  If it hadn’t been for the fact that they experienced the scene just now, Taoist Wuzhen couldn’t believe that the two of them, the master and the disciple, would have received God’s mercy.


   It's rare to meet someone with such a good understanding, Qianyan didn't refuse to tell the other party's name.

  But he didn't know that as soon as the words fell, Taoist Wuzhen trembled with excitement, and some couldn't believe it and asked: "Dare to ask, but the wild goose and fairy, Master Guoshi?"


   "Thank you, Master Guoshi, for saving your life." The master and apprentice bowed.

  Qianyan responded lightly, thought for a while, and threw down a book about Taoism to Taoist Wuzhen. The other party's heart and savvy are good, very suitable for studying these. Just one Taoist of Wuzhen can help Xiao Tiandao's world become stronger.

   This can be regarded as Xiao Tiandao's help to her, and she should give back to the other party.

  After throwing down the book, Qianyan didn't stay any longer, so naturally he didn't see the excitement and gratitude that Taoist Wuzhen felt when he flipped through the book. Not long after, there was a **** statue in Jishangguan, who was revered as Yanhe Xianjun. Many years later, Taoists in this world respect geese and immortals, and whenever there is any major Taoist festival, they will first worship the immortals.

  Zhou Zheng returned to the capital half a year later, and they were much thinner than when they left the capital.

   Unable to find the whereabouts of the immortal for a while, Zhou Zheng could only hold back and decided to gain a firm foothold in the court first.

  (end of this chapter)

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