All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3675: Go to your concubine's room (71)

  Chapter 3675 Go to your concubine room (71)

  Zhou Zheng was still struggling at first, but the moment he saw Zhou Jinhuai, he lost all his strength and closed his eyes forcefully.

   It's all over.

  Since it is rebirth, why should he encounter these things?

  He really wanted to ask God loudly, is the rebirth given to him a chance or a punishment?

  It's a pity that Qianyan couldn't hear his voice, otherwise he would definitely answer: punishment.

   "Bring them all into the palace." Zhou Jinhuai didn't intend to ask any more questions here, such a big melon, let's take it to the palace for everyone to eat together, so that he doesn't have to tell the national teacher these indecent things alone.

  XiaoXin felt sorry for his elder brother, but he was immediately excited when he thought of the next scene.

   This kid Zhou Zheng is really capable, he can do so many things after all those things are gone. If you want to hide such a big thing, there must be a lot of operations.

  People outside would not chop up that thing for no reason, Zhou Jinhuai's mind turned quickly, thinking that there must be something that hasn't been found out, and maybe Concubine Li might be involved in it.

   "What?" Zhou Fu almost fell off the chair after hearing Zhou Jinhuai's words.

   Fortunately, Zhou Jinhuai was always on the lookout, and helped him up: "Brother Huang, sit still."

  Zhou Fu leaned on the chair, his head was dizzy, how could this news make him sit still?

  He paused for a while before looking down at Zhou Zheng and Shi Xiubi.

  He asked Shi Xiubi first, and now that he saw the emperor, Shi Xiubi thought that he should be able to save his life, so he quickly told what happened just now.

   Zhou Fu asked Zhou Zheng again, but the latter didn't say a word, obviously not cooperating.

  It doesn't matter whether he says it or not, as long as someone checks to find out the truth.

  Zhou Fu learned that things were indeed as Shi Xiubi said, and he didn't know what to say for a while. He couldn't understand this son's behavior. After all, the other party had suffered so much, so it made people feel a little sympathetic.

   "Second brother, who made you do this?"

  Zhou Jinhuai shook his head silently. After all, he is the son of the emperor's brother, so he can't be really hard-hearted. Fortunately, this kid can't get over the big waves, so it doesn't matter.

   Zhou Zheng suddenly became agitated, stared at Zhou Fu viciously, and laughed: "If I tell you, can you help me deal with her?"

   Zhou Fu didn't mind Zhou Zheng's attitude, after all, as a man, he lost something, so it would be strange if he had a good attitude.

  So, he said: "Tell me who it is first. If the other party really harmed you, I will definitely not forgive you lightly."

   Zhou Fu would never have thought that Zhou Zheng would say a surprising name.

   "Shi Qianyan!" Zhou Zheng raised his voice and looked a little crazy, "She caused me to be like this, do you want to deal with her?"

  He has nothing left, and even the biggest secret has been discovered. Unless an immortal more powerful than Shi Qianyan descends, it is impossible to stand up again.

  In this case, he exposed the fact that Shi Qianyan had harmed him.

  If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have encountered these things in this life.

  Zhou Fu was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head. He didn't really believe Zhou Zheng's words, but he still asked: "You said that the national teacher harmed you, so tell me how the national teacher harmed you?"

  Zhou Zheng paused, and didn't speak again. Seeing this expression, Zhou Fu still didn't understand. Zhou Zheng should be venting his anger. It wasn't the teacher who made him like this.

   Having said that, even if the national teacher did it, it must be the second child who angered the national teacher.

   It's not Zhou Fu's blind trust in the national teacher, but the years of getting along with him. He knows that the national teacher is capable, but she will not use her ability at will to harm others.

  (end of this chapter)

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