All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3694: After my father fell in love with the princess (16)

  Chapter 3694 After my father was spotted by the princess (16)

   "It's fine."

  Qianyan came back from the princess mansion and said that she didn't suffer a loss. Jiao Susu couldn't believe it. After the inspection, her daughter was indeed fine, so she finally felt relieved.

   Didn't suffer, but Qianyan also told Jiao Susu what happened in the princess mansion today. Dave prepared a table of pastries for her, and she didn't hide what she had to finish eating. Jiao Susu was worried when she heard that, even if she knew that Qianyan had managed to deal with it, she still thought that if she could not go to the Princess Mansion, she would not go.

  From this moment on, Jiao Susu doesn't plan to tell Zhong Yunfeng anything about her daughter, lest Dave think of some way to torment Yan'er. Now that their wings are not full-fledged, they can't compete, so it's better to avoid them.

  Thinking of Zhong Yunfeng going out to have fun with the princess and rest assured that her daughter will stay at the princess mansion, she can't wait to slap him twice.

  Qianyan saw Jiao Susu's plan, she had taught Dave a lesson like this today, because she didn't want to go to the princess mansion again. Dave couldn't tell what happened, she couldn't be implicated, and she wouldn't ask her to play in the princess mansion for a while. Unless, the other party can speak out about her.

  She did this, naturally, because she was often taken to the princess mansion, which would make Jiao Susu nervous, so it's better to stay here to practice.

  Zhong Yunfeng is very self-righteous, unless Jiao Susu really reconciles with him, he will always come here, which is inevitable. It is estimated that Jiao Susu is more willing to deal with Zhong Yunfeng than to send her daughter to the princess mansion to play.

  Jiao Susu really thinks so, now she sees through it, and no longer expects that Zhong Yunfeng will cherish her daughter and help their mother and daughter to uphold justice.

  After this day, Jiao Susu became even more diligent in practicing kung fu, and even figured out how to multitask by herself. When doing things normally, she also devoted two minds to cultivating internal strength. It is true that Qianyan helped change her physique, but Jiao Susu herself is very smart, otherwise she would not have woken up so quickly after these things happened, and knew how to make plans early.

   It's a pity that this is an ancient feudal society. If someone wants her life, it is difficult for her to escape the calculation.

  As long as Zhong Yunfeng comes to her for a day, Jiao Susu will be feared by Zhao Yue. With Zhao Yue's temperament, it is very possible to attack Jiao Susu secretly.

  In Zhong Moyou's life, Jiao Susu was also slowly selling short shops.

  In this life, Jiao Susu moves faster and acts more decisively. With such a large industry, no matter how powerful Jiao Susu is, he cannot avoid being noticed. The Marquis of Wuyang relies heavily on these industries, and they have a chance to attack Jiao Susu.

  In the princess mansion, after Qianyan left, Dave met many people and tried countless ways, but she couldn't say anything bad about Qianyan. Because of eating too much pastries, she had a serious food accumulation, and she felt very uncomfortable in her stomach. Unable to teach the culprit a lesson, and feeling so uncomfortable physically, Dave, who had always been domineering, hid in the room and cried.

  She wanted to make a fuss in the mansion, crying loudly in front of everyone.

   In this way, even if it is not revealed that it is because of that little maid, Yimian will soon find out that the last person she saw before the accident was that little maid, and it will definitely not make things easier for her.

  But that little maidservant was too scheming, and when she was in front of everyone, she was completely normal.

  Dave hated it.

   Zhao Yue and Zhong Yunfeng did not come back until three days later.

  As soon as she came back, she learned that Dave was not feeling well, and it was actually because of greed. Zhao Yue blamed a few words, and didn't ask anything else. Children occasionally encounter delicious food, and it is inevitable to eat two more bites.

   Here it comes, I didn’t have time to fix the typo, so I finished writing in the early morning and fixed it together.



  (end of this chapter)

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